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George stays up late that night, and the next, and the next.

Almost a week has passed. George stays up all night every night until the sun rises, and then proceeds to sleep for half of the day.

When the sixth night comes, George hears a shuffle outside his door. His senses become alert, and George stands, waiting for the noise to fade. When it does, George leaves his room, following Dream's dark figure through the halls.

George follows Dream to the training yard, where Dream grabs a bag and fills it with things that George can't distinguish in the dark and from the distance he's placed between him and Dream. He follows Dream back into the castle, and... back to his room?

Dream returns to his room, and George is left confused. He stands outside Dream's room for what seems like ages, mulling over the possibilities.

Dream could've just wanted something from the training field. He might've had plans to go somewhere, but then cancelled and returned to bed. He could be tricking George to enter his room, having known George's plan all along. Or, George could just be overthinking this.

George opens Dream's door, finding the room empty. His eyes snag on a tapestry, which has been pinned back, revealing a passageway. Cautiously, George closes the door behind him and walks to the doorway that didn't exist the last time George had been in this room.

He takes a deep breath before entering the passageway. Fingers skimming the wall, George walks through the tunnel. The passage is a straight shot; there's no turns or alternate routes. He walks for what seems like a long time before he reaches a door, which is unlocked.

Opening the door, he realizes he's in a small shed. Walking forward, George opens a second door and fresh air hits his face, and George finds himself outside. George is now under the blanket of the night sky, completely alone. He's lost Dream.

Deciding to wing it, George wanders down the empty streets of the city. His boots make littles noise on the cobblestone, which is wet after a short rain hours ago.

George doesn't know what he's looking for. He's hoping it's one of those things that he'll know once he sees it, but the chances of that are extremely low. He hears a shout of a man from over his shoulder.

George looks behind him, eyes widening at the sight of a sturdily built man, who points a sword at George. Men pour out from behind the man, shouting, "It's the prince!"

George panics, running away from the scary men, who chase him. George doesn't know their intentions, which makes the situation worse. Are they going to rob me? I have nothing of value on me. Shit, are they going to hold me for ransom like mother said?

He grits his teeth and runs faster, but the cobblestone is slippery beneath his feet. He turns onto another street, almost tripping. A solid force barrels into him, gripping onto George tight as he twists, taking the brunt of the fall. George lands on someone, who is masked and hisses in pain.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Dream snarls.

"Dream?" George questions, confused. Dream stands up, hauling George with him. "What are you doing here?"

Dream says nothing, pulling them into an empty building. He pulls off the black fabric that had been covering his face and shoves George against the nearest wall.

"What the hell is going on?" George snaps.

Dream clamps his hand over George's mouth, silencing him. He glares at George, pissed off and warning him to be quiet. Men shout outside and George freezes, heart racing. A sliver of moonlight shines through a crack of a boarded up window, casting light onto Dream's face.

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