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George's eyes are wide when he looks at Dream, who seems uncomfortable. George doesn't blame him; the last time they were here...

He tries to push the memory away, but it's like an egg, once the memory seeps through like the yolk seeps through the shell, it cannot be put back. How could he forget such an important moment?

Dream's childish eyes, filled with confused despair seem to stare into George's soul. George watches Dream candidly, unsure if he should say something. Dream catches his stare, frowning.

I'm sorry. The words are caught in George's throat.

Dream gazes at George impassively, unaware of George's recollection. For the first time, George's first thought is beautiful. The setting sun casts its beauty onto the features of Dream's face, outlining his jaw and lightening his eyes. Gold rays sift through dirty blond hair, making subtle curls more pronounced.

George swallows the words and looks away, toeing the dirt beneath his feet.

He stands up and starts walking down the hill, knowing Dream will follow.


They end up at George's room for bed. Resuming the same positions as last night, they sleep, backs to each other.

No words are spoken, not even a good night. Part of George thinks that if Dream were to move in his sleep again, he wouldn't fight him.


George is woken by the sudden movement. Hands are on him, tearing him away from Dream's arms. George wakes, startled.

His eyes open to find three strange masked men in his room. Two hold Dream down, who fights furiously, cloth shoved in his mouth.

George opens his mouth to shout, but a man shoves fabric in his mouth, almost choking him. In a terror, George fights back, finding Dream's eyes wide with fear.

Dream has almost overpowered the two men, but one slams down the butt of his sword on Dream's head, knocking him out cold. George watches numbly as Dream falls onto the bed, unconscious.

He struggles against the intruders as they drag him out of his room. They pass two dead guards, who lie on the floor in front of George's door.

George kicks and fights, but it isn't enough. One of the men presses a cloth, filled with a strong smelling powder, to George's nose.

George doesn't remember anything after that.


He wakes up with a start in a foreign shed. Wrists and ankles tied to a chair, George is stuck. A cloth wraps around his head, preventing him from speaking. He can vaguely hear the muffled voices of strange men.

He tenses when they walk into the room, unmasked.

"There he is, boss!" one of the men says with a grin. "The prince!"

A brown-haired man walks to George, pulling his hair to lift his chin. George glares into brown eyes that scowl.

"This is the wrong prince, you idiot!" the man exclaims in a fury. "I said the prince of Takenshire, not the prince of Foundington!"

"What's the difference?" the man with short brown hair questions. "They're both princes, Wilbur."

Wilbur, the supposed boss, scowls. "Connor, I wanted Dream, not George."

Connor nudges the third man, who has yet to speak a word, and the two mumble something. "What?" Wilbur spits, irritated.

"Well, this one was in a room with someone else," Connor glances at his friend for confirmation. "I thought he was his bodyguard."

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