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George and Dream exchange hundreds of letters. Time flies faster than George likes. So fast it scares him.

A year has passed since they've seen each other.

Granted, one year is shorter than the seven they spent apart, but it's different this time. This time George doesn't hate Dream.

He can't say he doesn't love him. Of course George still loves Dream.

A piece of him breaks every day. Sure, it's been a year; you'd think he'd have moved on by now. But George can't move on from a love like that.

A year of letters: filled with "I love you's" and "I miss you's." George has never wanted to see Dream more. He knows this cycle is bad for him, which is why he's come up with a plan.

He's going to stop writing.

George can't read one more of Dream's scrawled words. It hurts too much, so he stops writing back, hoping that Dream will do the same.

Dream doesn't, though. His letters(George reads every one) are filled with questions about why he's stopped, sentences begging George to write back. And, as much as it pains him, George doesn't pick up his quill.

Dream never stops his letters. George doesn't know whether to be surprised or not. Six months pass and George refuses to write back.

He continues to read Dream's words, as much as it breaks him. George deserves the pain. He deserves to suffer. At least that's what he tells himself.

Maude has grown; she can walk now. Her sentences grow longer everyday. He has not forgotten his promise to Anna. His father is growing tired with age; George thinks he'll have to be coronated soon.

The thought of it makes him nauseous. Don't get him wrong, he wants to be king, but becoming king means Dream will have to crown him, and that means they'd see each other again. George dreads that day.

One day, George is walking the castle grounds with Karl. Their conversation has been minimal. It's the same routine every day. George wonders if Karl is bored, but his friend hasn't spoken an ill word about his job.

Karl brings up the dreaded question that he asks rarely, "Do you miss him?"

"Of course I do, Karl," George replies, glancing at his friend, who frowns.

They enter George's plant room, where George begins to tend to the plants. Karl says, "Sapnap told me that Dream said you've stopped writing."

George's movements don't falter. "That was months ago."

"Why?" The word is pained, colored with confusion.

"Because there's no point," George says simply. "I shouldn't have feelings for someone who is married."

"But why stop after a year?" Karl asks, staring at George, who refuses to meet his eyes.

George shrugs. "I finally decided that my letters don't matter. I can't change the past, so why try and change the future? Besides, I hope that Dream will learn to forget me. It should be easier now."

Karl is quiet for a long time, watching George water his plants. The autumn breeze bounces off the windows of the room. Sun rays shine gently down, dawning over George's hands as he works.

Eventually, Karl says, "I don't think he wants to forget you, George."

"Probably not," George replies, "but he should. It's the smart choice."

"Is it the right one?"

George doesn't have a response, so he says nothing. Karl leaves within minutes, leaving George with his thoughts. After being alone, George knows his answer to Karl's question: No, I don't believe it is.


More time passes, maybe a week or so. George is at dinner with his family.

"George, I would like you to take the throne," King Adrian says.

George knew this day was coming. He sets down his fork, swallowing. "Are you sure?"

"More than anything, son," he replies with a soft smile.

Maude looks between them, innocent eyes wide. George inhales, asking, "When?"

"A few months maybe," his father replies. "I want you to write to Takenshire, but there's no rush."

George nods, sifting through his thoughts slowly. "I'm honored to take your position as king, father."

King Adrian smiles again, continuing to eat his dinner. George can only pick at his food, no longer hungry.

I'm going to be king...

I'm going to see Dream.

That scares him more than becoming king, believe it or not. His stomach coils with nerves.


One letter George receives is different from the rest.


I write to you out of sorrow.

Fundy has been murdered.

I cannot express my pain in words, but I'll have you know that it only happened yesterday. Wilbur, the bandit leader, became unhinged and attacked Fundy on his weekly visit to town. Fortunately, we have captured Wilbur and he will spend the rest of his days in prison.

The bandits are finally gone at the expense of the Prince's death.

I don't know if you still read my letters, or if you throw them away before opening them, so the news may reach you some other way. Either way, I want you to know that Fundy is dead.

I never loved him in the way I love you, but that doesn't mean I am not unaffected by his death. He was a kind soul and my people loved him.

If you're reading this, you don't have to write back. I understand that you wish to cut things off between us. I don't know if Fundy's death has changed anything.

Yours and yours only,

The paper shakes in George's hand. He doesn't know how to react.

The first emotion that hits him is empathy, sorrow for Dream's loss. He hopes Dream is okay. The second emotion that reaches him is hope; does this change things?

Because of the distance between them, Fundy's death was over a week ago. George wonders how Takenshire is doing. He isn't sure if inviting Dream to his coronation would be an inappropriate response to Fundy's death.

He decides to sleep on it, and think of a response in the morning.


a/n - short chapter, how are we feeling?

happy pride month <333

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