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George's mother gives birth a couple months later.

George holds his sister in his arms, smiling softly. Queen Helen lies on her bed, sleeping from exhaustion. King Leo is in a similar state on a nearby chair.

His mother decided to name the baby Maude. Her hair is surprisingly dark for such a young age, matching King Leo's. Swaddled in a blanket, Maude sleeps peacefully. She was born several hours ago.

George hands her off to a healer and leaves his parents to sleep in peace.

He returns to his room, where he finds a letter on his desk. Karl stands behind him, saying, "It arrived this morning. I didn't want to interrupt."

George stares at the envelope, frozen. In familiar cursive, George is written on beige parchment.

"What is it?" George asks, chest tight.

"It's from Takenshire," Karl replies. "I can only assume who it's from."

Dream. The name tastes bitter on George's tongue. He vaguely hears Karl leave.

George sits down, unable to stop his hand from shaking as he lifts the sealed envelope. He turns it over to find a familiar seal. Bracing himself, George opens the envelope, pulling out a single piece of paper.

He reads it with a pounding heart:

I am to be coronated in a month's time. I hope you can find it in you to attend.

Prince of Takenshire

The letter falls from George's hand, landing on his desk quietly. He scoffs, unsure of how to react. His immediate reaction is hurt; after all this time, that's all Dream can say? Then he feels anger burning at the core of his heart.

I hope you can find it in you to attend. What is that supposed to mean? It's insulting to George, and he wants to rip the letter to shreds, but a knock at his door stops him.

"Come in," George says, still shocked.

Karl enters, walking towards George carefully. He tries to read George's expression, but fails. "What did he want?"

George wordlessly hands Karl the letter and stands. He stands in front of his window. It doesn't take Karl long to read it.

"Wow," is Karl's first response. He clears his throat. "That is... very short."

George snorts humorlessly. Karl sets the letter down, rubbing the back of his neck as he says, "I thought he would've put more effort... It's disappointing to say the least."

"You should get used to it," George mutters, jaw clenched. "He hasn't changed."

"Are you going to go?" Karl asks, curious.

George sighs, nose flaring. "I have to; it's tradition for my family to place the crown upon Takenshire's heir's head, just like they do for my family. It's part of our alliance."

"He made it seem optional," Karl remarks. George can hear Karl's disappointment towards Dream as well as some annoyance.

George continues to stare out his window. If I don't go, Dream's family has the right to break the alliance. Not supporting a coronation is a big deal."

Karl asks, "Do you think he wants you to go?"

"I don't know," George replies truthfully. "He could want me to break the alliance, but it's not up to me. My parents will read their letters when they have the chance, and I know they'll want to go."

Karl nods, saying, "I hope Dream has changed. I wouldn't think he'd be the same person after so much time."

George says nothing, choosing to keep his opinion to himself.

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