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George doesn't know how long he stands with Dream under the stars.

After his tears had stopped, Dream still held him, his cheek rested on George's head. Just his simple act of being there makes George feel better.

Eventually, George whispers, "Do you hate me?"

"Sometimes," Dream admits, "but it never lasts."

"Why?" George asks, hearing the steady thump of Dream's heart.

He wants to hear the words leave Dream's mouth. Just three simple words that, if spoken, would change everything. He wants Dream to say them and destroy everything he has with Fundy. George knows Dream cares for him, but he wouldn't want to impact his kingdom by having Fundy find out and cause ruckus between kingdoms. He knows Dream won't say the words, yet he still strains to hear them.

"Because you're special," Dream whispers. George can hear the pain in his voice, and that's all he needs. As long as he knows Dream loves him, he supposes that's enough.

"Special," George echoes as Dream swallows. "Do you think that'll change?"

"Of course not," Dream replies with a weak laugh.

George steps back, feeling Dream's arms leave him reluctantly. He looks up at Dream, eyes flicking between Dream's eyes. "Do you..." George swallows, looking away. "Aren't you supposed to be celebrating? You're king now."

"George," Dream says softly, "your mother died. I care about that more, okay? You will always mean more to me than my crown ever will."

A cord in George's heart breaks. He looks back at Dream, devastated. Dream reads his expression instantly, smiling sadly. George whispers, "I ruined everything, didn't I?"

"You did," Dream finally admits, "but that's okay, I guess. We learn from our mistakes, right?"

George's eyes fill with tears. Dream frowns and starts to walk off the dock. He says over his shoulder, "Follow me."

George listens, following Dream quietly. Dream walks to the water, not even bothering to roll his pants up. Ocean water reaches his calves within moments and he turns to George with a question in his eyes.

George, unlike Dream, rolls his pants up, stepping into the cold water. His head snaps up as he looks at Dream accusingly. "It's cold."

Dream shrugs, a hint of playfulness in his eyes. "You should know that by now, George."

Every time Dream says his name, George feels a little better. He walks towards Dream, smiling softly. He makes sure to use Dream's name in his next sentence. "What is the point of this, Dream?"

Dream watches George carefully, unsure if George is willing to be as lighthearted. His fingers dip in the ocean, twirling in the water. "I want to cheer you up, George."

"That's unnecessary, Dream," George replies, but a smile quirks his lips slightly.


George can hear the mischief in Dream's tone and echoes it. "Dream."

Dream's lips tug up as he flicks water at George, who blinks, frowning. Dream pauses, uncertain of what George is feeling. Without giving Dream warning, George scoops a handful of water in his hands and splashes it at Dream.

Dream grins immediately, and George knows that him becoming king hasn't changed a thing. He grins back, shouting when Dream lunges at him. Dream pulls them both under, bringing them back up soaked.

"You idiot," George seethes lightheartedly, laughing.

Dream's hands are on his waist as they now stand waist deep in the water. George's hands rest carefully on Dream's chest, and he still smiles. Dream smiles back fondly. Reaching up, George ruffles Dream's wet hair, spiking it every which way.

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