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In the week that led up to the masquerade, Dream's parents had said Dream no longer had to stay with George. He was allowed to go wherever he pleased on castle grounds with a security detail.

George, of course, had guards follow him around too. It's probably for the best. Dream's parents gave them the news shortly after that heated morning.

George hasn't seen Dream since.

He walks everywhere with his guards. He reads in the library with Anna. He takes strolls with Karl. Today, he's in the stables. A stable hand helps him tack up a horse. His guards tack up their own rides.

George thinks all the while, his mind can't help but drift back to the last time he saw Dream. He smiles at the memory, unable to hide his smile when he thinks of Dream with wet, spiked up hair, Dream having run his fingers through it dozens of times.

"Thinking of me, are you?" Dream teases with a chuckle.

Face red, George whips his head to glare at Dream. "Of course not."

Dream simply shrugs, walking forward to pat George's horse. George watches as Dream's fingers smooth down chestnut fur. He asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Mind if I accompany you on your little escapade?" Dream asks, voice soft.

His soft voice tells George what he needed to know: things changed. Of course they would after a moment like that.

"I don't know," George replies evenly, "are you still an unbalanced rider? I would hate for you to fall and embarrass yourself."

"In front of a pretty prince?" Dream raises a playful eyebrow. "I wouldn't dare."

George wants to scoff. Instead, he mutters, "Careful, Dream, flattery will get you nowhere."

Dream pats George's horse, lips pursing. "It's gotten me this far, hasn't it?"

George turns away, tightening his horse's girth while the stable hand fetches the bridle. "You should hurry up then," George says. "I'm not one to wait."

Dream chuckles as he walks away. "I know you aren't."

Within ten minutes, they're riding along the castle's trails. George and Dream's horses walk beside each other while their guards ride behind.

It's quiet for a long while. George doesn't look at Dream. He watches the sway of the trees in the soft wind and listens to the chirping melodies of the birds. The air tastes sweet, fresh in the morning.

"The masquerade is tonight," Dream says, carefully placing his words.

"I know," George replies, glancing at Dream. "Shouldn't you be greeting the royals that are arriving?"

"I'd rather be with you," Dream says, voice open― seeking for something.

"What did I say about flattery?" George asks, not giving Dream the response he wanted.

The chestnut gelding that George rides flicks an ear back, letting out a huff. When Dream doesn't reply, George doesn't see a need to continue the conversation, so he stays quiet.

After a while, maybe fifteen minutes, Dream asks, "Do you like to dance?"

A corner of George's mouth quirks up. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would, actually," Dream replies, completely serious.

"I guess," George replies, keeping his gaze ahead. "Do you?"

"If my partner isn't a klutz," Dream jokes. He pauses before adding softly, "And if I enjoy their company."

George hums, scanning the trees ahead of them. Dream confesses, "I don't know many of the royals visiting. My parents wish for me to get to know them, but I'd rather not."

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