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The next morning, George is awoken by bells.

Welcoming bells. George gets dressed in confusion because who could be important enough that requires bells to announce their arrival?

George hurries down the castle steps, almost tripping as he recognizes a familiar crested carriage. His heart stops in his chest, and he's frozen to the castle steps.

A footman opens the carriage door and Dream steps out wearing a careful smile. Anna and Sapnap follow, standing behind Dream with grins. George doesn't know what to do.

After staring at Dream for what seems like a long time, George swallows. He hasn't changed much, other than a short stubble on his jaw. His tan skin is unusual in the chilly autumn weather of George's home.

Dream's eyes leave George, scanning the castle and lands around him. He seems to shiver slightly, unused to the cold. George finally works up the nerve to approach them.

"Welcome to Foundington," George breathes, still shocked. "I'm sorry my father isn't here to greet you. He's sleeping at this hour."

Dream looks intensely at George, replying, "It's my fault. I should've told you I was coming."

"I got your letter just yesterday," George says, his heart caught in his throat.

"I left the day after Prince Fundy's funeral," Dream explains, head tilted as he studies George.

"I, well―" George is at a loss for words, grateful for when Karl comes running.

Sapnap's face breaks into a grin as the two embrace. Anna sighs happily, muttering, "Thank god, I was getting tired of his moping."

George looks at Anna, who grins. "I love your home, George. Though, it is colder than I expected."

"If you're lucky, you might catch the first snowfall," George says, looking back at Dream.

Dream's eyes seem to light up. "Snow? When will it come?"

George's breath catches. He can't stop staring. "I don't know." He pauses before asking, "Would you like a tour?"

"I'd love one," Dream breathes, stepping forward.

"I'll show Sapnap and Anna around," Karl says, pulling the two away.

George is left alone with Dream, unsure of what to say. He settles on, "You're here."

Dream smiles. "That I am."

Cautiously, George holds out his hand. Dream looks at it a moment, ready to close the distance that has been separating them for so long. Instead of taking George's hand, he envelopes George in a hug.

George chokes back a sob, inhaling deeply. Salty caramel greets his nose, bringing tears to his eyes. He whispers, "I can't believe you're here."

"You better believe it," Dream murmurs, "because I'm not going anywhere."


"And these are my plants," George says, midway through his tour.

Dream steps into the warm room, eyes matching the leaves of the plants. He walks between the rows in quiet awe. George follows, gazing at Dream like he'll never see him again.

Dream turns to George, saying softly, "I love them."

"You don't have to, y'know," George mutters, crossing his arms. "Some people find it weird."

Dream walks up to him, placing a hand on George's cheek as he whispers affectionately, "It's perfect. Anything you love, I love."

George smiles, leaning into Dream's touch. "I was going to write back." Dream looks doubtful, so George insists, "I was! My father wants me to be crowned in a couple weeks."

"Well, in that case, I might as well just stay until then," Dream murmurs, a playful gleam in his eyes.

"Might as well," George echoes.


"I was thinking," George's father says at dinner that night with everyone present, "Dream, why don't you just stay until the coronation? Does that sound okay?"

Dream nods with a private smile, replying, "I might as well."

"I hope you enjoy your stay," King Adrian says, chuckling as he notices Anna playing with Maude.

Dream meets George's gaze, eyes full of open intensity. "I will."


"Dream," George murmurs breathlessly, exhaling a laugh as Dream runs his fingers through George's hair on his bed.

They lay on their sides, facing each other and smiling as if still in disbelief. Dream continues massaging George's scalp as he whispers, "George."

George pulls Dream's hand away, entwining their fingers. He stares at their clasped hands in awe. Dream says softly, "Can I tell you something?"

George's eyes lock with Dream's. He nods. Dream confesses in a whisper, "I was afraid I'd never see you again. That we'd spend the rest of our lives apart, connected only by our letters. But then you stopped and I..."

Dream trails off, voice quavering. George instantly pulls himself to Dream, placing a kiss on Dream's neck before hugging him tightly. Dream hugs him back, dipping his nose to George's hair and sighing. George whispers, "I missed you so much."

"I― me too," Dream mumbles, holding George delicately, as if he's a mere figment of his imagination that could crumble into nothing in a split second. "He knew," Dream mutters, the words making George freeze.

"What?" George asks, though he fears he already knows the answer.

"Fundy knew," Dream whispers, "about that last night, us, everything. He knew."

George doesn't know what to say, so he stay quiet and listens. Dream inhales, his chest shaking. "He knew and all he told me was that he was sorry. He said he didn't mean to come between us." Dream's voice cracks. "I told him that everything was okay, that I didn't love you. I lied to him, but he never believed me. He'd tell me how much he loved me and that it was okay if I didn't love him."

George is stunned into silence. He swallows and hugs Dream tighter. Dream whispers, "He was a good person, George. I wish things had turned out differently. Maybe he could've married someone who truly loved him."

It's all my fault, George wants to whisper. He doesn't, though, and tears burn his eyes. He says quietly, "I'm sorry."

Dream just hugs him tighter, shaking. All George can do is let him, rubbing soothing circles on Dream's back.

His eyes fall shut as Dream's words echo in his ears: I wished things had turned out differently.


a/n - if anyone needs some inspiration or a good platform to discover, tho check out the happiness project on insta. it's helped me with a lot of things, and I got some of their merch, which is amazing. it's an awesome platform


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