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When they reach the castle, everyone's awake, having found the dead guards. Both sets of parents run forward, embracing their sons.

"George!" Queen Helen exclaims. "I'm so glad you're safe."

He hears Queen Catherine say sternly to Dream, "I thought we said not to leave the castle."

George's family listens in to the conversation, watching quietly. Dream replies calmly, "Bandits infiltrated the castle and killed our guards. They kidnapped George, so I went after them."

George's mother gasps softly. King Leo looks at George, asking, "Is this true?"

"Yes," George replies, glancing at Dream, who wears an unreadable expression.

George catches a glimpse of Karl, who stands behind George's parents, eyes wide. He stares at Sapnap, who stands still behind Dream. Sapnap hasn't seen Karl yet.

As Dream talks with his parents, Karl walks to George's side, whispering, "Why is Sapnap here? And why is he dressed like a bandit?"

"He helped me," George mutters, watching as Dream's parents notice Sapnap.

King Catherine's eyes narrow. "Dream," she asks, voice probing, "what is Sapnap doing here?"

Dream swallows nervously, carefully explaining, "Mother, he helped me. He's been undercover with the bandits for months. He'll have more information on them than any of our guards."

King Leo frowns. "Son, I thought I told you that Sapnap is a bad influence."

Sapnap doesn't appear bothered, clearly used to this cold treatment. Dream doesn't hesitate to defend him. "Sapnap is my friend, and I trust him with my life."

King Leo doesn't waver, calling over his shoulder, "Guards, escort Sapnap to the interrogation room."

Sapnap doesn't fight the two guards who pull him away, tossing Dream a quick grin. His eyes snag on Karl, widening in confused surprise. George feels Karl tense beside him.

"Mother, father," Dream protests, "is this really necessary? He's trustworthy."

"I'll be the decider on that," Dream's father replies strictly. "Now go back to your room. I'll have more guards stationed outside your door. No one's getting in or out of this castle tonight."

Dream says nothing, yanking his arms away from the guards who try to escort him. He walks off, followed by George and several guards. Karl takes up a pace beside George, still shocked.

Karl eventually breaks off to his room and George wishes him a goodnight. When they reach his room, there's bloodstains on the floor. Two servants work quietly to clean the tile.

Upon entering George's room, the guards scan every inch of the room, even going as far as rummaging through George's clothes. They leave a mess everywhere.

When they're gone, George sighs and starts to pick up his clothes. Dream just stands still in the middle of the room, silent. George can tell he's thinking.

Dream sneaks up on him, startling George when he grabs his hand, dragging him into the bathroom. Wordlessly, he pushes George's shoulders down so he's sitting in a chair. George is too confused to speak.

Dream rummages through cabinets, pulling out a container of salve. George understands immediately, muttering, "I'm fine, Dream."

Stubbornly, Dream says nothing and kneels in front of George. He takes George's hands gently, pushing back his sleeves. George's breath catches at the tentativeness Dream uses.

His teeth grit when the cool salve is applied to the rope burn. Dream glances up, frowning. He mutters, "I'm not letting you be a part of this anymore."

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