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George keeps his mind carefully blank the next day. He hopes Dream hates him.

Arriving at the training field, George sees Dream. He goes to leave instantly, but something about Dream makes him stay. George hides in the shadows, watching Dream attack a dummy with a rapier.

The training dummy is beaten harshly under Dream's relentless strikes. The prince's movements are fluid, slicing through the air like nothing George has ever seen. George can tell Dream's angry from the cold glint in his eye.

Dream's stone cold expression is unwavering as he doesn't stop fighting. His skin is shiny with sweat under the sun, muscles toned. George observes impassively, arms crossed. Dream still fights.

Eventually, after what seems like ages, Dream stops, chest heaving. The rapier in his hand shakes slightly. A clapping is heard as another prince walks forward.

"Well done, Dream!" Fundy exclaims, walking forward. His hair is bright in the sun.

Dream merely blinks, muttering his thanks as he puts the rapier away. His eyes scan the field, finding George within moments. Fundy says nothing, but George doesn't listen, tense under Dream's narrowed gaze.

Dream doesn't appear to be listening either. Fundy hasn't seen George yet, practically plastered to Dream's side. Dream's jaw clenches as he looks away from George, smiling at Fundy. George stiffens at the motion, muscles tensing even further as Dream kisses Fundy.

Fundy seems surprised, but he doesn't hesitate to kiss Dream back. Dream's words echo in George's ears: I don't love him. Still, George's stomach twists and he looks away. He leaves the field, not catching when Dream looks back to where George just was, smile falling.


George should've learned by now, not to listen in on Dream and Sapnap's conversations. He knows how personal they can get. Yet, he pauses behind a door, listening quietly.

Sapnap drags in air through his nose, irritated. "Dream, I've told you time and time again to forget about George. You're married now."

"Yeah, but―"

"No 'but's,'" Sapnap interrupts. "Dream, George has expressed his feelings. He doesn't return your feelings, so stop entertaining the thought that he does."

"I know," Dream mutters. "I cared about him more than anything in the world, Sapnap, and he walked away like it was the easiest fucking thing in the world to do."

The words hit George like a thousand arrows. Sapnap doesn't get a chance to reply as Dream continues, "He's rejected me time and time again, but I cant stop caring about him."

"What will it take for you to stop caring about him?" Sapnap asks, exasperated.

Dream doesn't have a reply. Sapnap prods, "C'mon, Dream, there has to be something."

"I wouldn't be able to stop feeling like this even in death," Dream whispers. "I love him, Sapnap, more than anything in the world."

"Dream, I've told you not to..." Sapnap's words fade as George's ears ring.

I love him.

George backs away from the door, his head spinning. As he walks through the halls, he vaguely hears Karl say something. George doesn't know if he responds or not.

His feet seem to move for him, taking him away from the castle. He ends up on a familiar hill, sitting on a wooden swing.

George's heart is loud in his ears, threatening to jump out of his chest. He doesn't know how to feel. I love him. George's eyes close at Dream's unwavering words. He pushes back the sentiment to repeat the words― coming from him this time.

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