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The day of George's coronation is moved closer to a week and it's here within no time.

King Adrian had insisted George stay out of everything and to let him do all the planning. He said it was his honor to organize his son's coronation.

George walks around the castle in awe. His castle color, blue, is draped from almost every banister and dotting every corner. Blue banners, blue flowers, blue tablecloth. George loves all of it.

He hasn't seen Dream since yesterday. They split ways after Dream said he had some rehearsing for his lines to do. They haven't closed that distance yet, though George frequently catches Dream staring at his lips. George can't say he hasn't been doing the same.

Bells start to ring, and George is ushered to the balcony where he will be crowned before all his people. His citizens cheer up at him when he looks down and waves. George looks at his father and grins. Dream approaches, smiling radiantly.

The sun hides behind clouds, making the day grey, but George doesn't mind. The trees are slowly losing their leaves in preparation for the cold. A mildly chilly breeze snakes up George's spine.

His father announces to the crowd as George stands in his position, "Citizens of Foundington! Today is a special day! My son, Prince George will be crowned and become King!"

The people cheer and George smiles, his nerves tingling in anticipation. He stares at Dream, who looks at him affectionately, pride written all over his face.

"King Dream has traveled from Takenshire to bestow the crown upon George, let's give him a warm welcome!"

Dream waves down, and joyful cries roar through the crowd. King Adrian turns to Dream and motions for him to start. Dream pulls out the scroll, with the same lines George used for his coronation.

Loudly, Dream says, "Prince George, becoming king is a tremendous responsibility. Are you aware of the responsibilities you will have to undertake?"

George looks up, locking eyes with Dream, and says, "I am."

Dream smiles and looks back to the scroll. "As king, you will have the responsibility to care for and love your people. Do you vow to be a compassionate and considerate ruler?"

Steadily, George says, "I do."

"All eyes will look to you as Foundington's leader. Do you vow to set a prime example for all your citizens?" Dream asks.

"I do."

"Once you are king, you will have an entire nation to defend. Do you vow to respect and protect the weak and all those who are unable to protect themselves?"

"I do." George's heart races.

"As king, you will be expected to choose an heir, if not provide one, for your kingdom. Do you vow to eventually pass down the crown to a worthy successor?"

"I do," George replies.

Dream states, "King Adrian and Queen Helen have raised you to take their place and become king. It is a task not many are capable of handling."

"I trust myself and know that no one is more fitting of the crown than me," George recites, smiling at the memory of his mother.

Nodding, Dream continues, "Lastly, you have to be accepting of the crown to become king. Do you truly wish to undertake the responsibilities and become the king of Foundington?"

"I do."

Dream rolls up the scroll. "I will now bestow upon you the crown of your father, and your father's father, and so on."

George kneels and takes a deep breath. Dream holds the crown delicately, smiling fondly. "I, King Dream of―"

Dream cuts off, eyes wide as he looks up. Confused, George follows his stare and grins slowly. Large snowflakes fall from the sky, gracing the people. It's beautiful and Dream looks at George, rosy cheeks split in a wide smile.

The white flakes decorate Dream's hair. It takes George's breath away.

"My apologies," Dream mutters in awe. He clears his throat and resumes, "I, King Dream of Takenshire, crown you, Prince George of Foundington, and recognize you as the official King of Foundington."

Dream places the crown on George's head, accompanying the snowflakes that have gathered. George can tell Dream wants to reach out and touch the snow, but Dream refrains and continues his script.

"People of Foundington, welcome your new king!"

George stands, brushing past Dream as he looks at his people, who seem to dance under the snow. After a minute, he backs up, greeted by a bearhug from his father.

"I'm so proud of you, son," he says in a choked whisper.

"Thank you," George replies with a smile.

Over his father's shoulder, he catches Anna and Sapnap staring at the sky in wonder. Maude giggles as she grips the skirts of her dress in the arms of Karl, who doesn't stop grinning.

From his side, Dream grips George's hand and pulls him away from the balcony. Breathlessly, George tries to keep up as Dream runs through the castle halls. They exit out one of the backdoors of the castle and stumble into the snowfall.

Dream spins in a slow circle, awestruck. George watches with a fond smile.

"It's so cold," Dream whispers, a puff of air leaving his mouth. "I love it."

George looks up, grinning. Dream is next to him in an instant, pulling George to him. "Dance with me," Dream whispers.

His eyes are alight with excitement, looking at George with affection. George nods and comments, "There's no music."

Dream grasps George's fingers and they fall into a familiar rhythm. "Imagine."

George doesn't bother, though. He's too enthralled with Dream's grin and the way his lips curve, the way his dimples accompany the freckles on his cheeks, painting a portrait George wants to call his.

As they dance under the snowy sky, Dream catches George's stare and his footsteps stumble. Without a moment of hesitation, Dream kisses him.

This time, George isn't afraid to kiss back. After a year of distance, Dream still tastes the same: salty caramel on a warm summer day. His lips are cold, easily warming with the company of George's mouth. His hands find George's cheeks, holding him tenderly.

Their dancing stops and they kiss slowly. Snow gathers on their hair and clothes, but neither care, too caught up in each other.

Breathlessly, Dream pulls back, whispering, "Spend the rest of your life with me."

"W―what?" George asks, heart stuttering in hope.

Dream leans forward, pressing their foreheads together. "I love you."

"I love you," George replies, smiling slowly.

"Then marry me, George," Dream whispers, eyes bright.

"Marry you?" George echoes, breathless.

Dream presses a soft kiss to George's nose before kneeling before him with the biggest grin George has ever seen. He grasps George's hands as he says, "I don't have a ring, but marry me, George. We can be happy together."

I'm going to marry you one day, Dream's voice echoes in George's ears, a memory from ages ago, and we'll be happy, like my parents.

"Yes," George breathes in an instant. "Yes."

Dream smiles as he stands, kissing George again. They laugh together, sharing fond smiles and warm breaths. The snow starts to accumulate on the ground, blanketing the grass.

As Dream stares down at George, he knows that he finally got his chance. His chance at happiness, a life with Dream that sounds pretty fucking fantastic.

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