Chapter 7

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He walked to Spanish with a fresh set of questions to ask himself to pass the time. "What if I am gay? What about bi, or something?" Logan thought. "Does that mean I like....." Logan didn't know how to feel about that. He was thankful no one could read minds. He snacked on his carrots, not paying any attention to the Spanish teacher.

"These are not questions I should be asking myself in Spanish class," Logan thought to himself. He tried paying attention, but the teacher was only reviewing verbs, so Logan went back to his world of 'thoughts-not-suitable-for-Spanish-class'. To distract himself from his not school appropriate thoughts, he started to list all the sexualities he knew. He only got to 5. Logan decided to focus on Spanish.

This one girl asked, "What does 'aqua' mean again?"

"Tú eres un fucking idiot," Logan said to himself. He sat there for 20 minutes, bored because he already knew everything the teacher was covering. Finally, the bell rang, and Logan walked to biology. In biology, they were doing a lab.

"Ah yes, I love to dig through elephant shit to look for seeds," Logan said out loud, not caring who was around him. Of course his lab partners never did any work, so he was the one who put the gloves on to dig through elephant shit to look for seeds. He set aside all the seeds he could find on the surface, and told his group to put them in their respective petri dishes, and surprisingly, they did.

"It's a miracle," Logan thought. He dug through the middle of it to find the remaining seeds, and his group finished putting them in groups. Logan took off his gloves and washed his hands for a full minute before answering the post-lab conclusion questions, which his group copied the answers off of his paper.

"What a bunch of fucking useless morons," Logan thought. He wished he could say it out loud, but he didn't want to get his ass beat today. Having no free time in biology with everything crammed into 45 minutes, as usual, the bell rang as soon as he finished his last question. Logan practically ran to the library, squeezing by people and making his way up the stairs. Budging his way past the people congregating to get to the stairs, Logan made his way to the library door. He opened it, and speedwalked inside.

Logan sat down at his regular table and looked around. Dallas wasn't here yet.

"I hope he comes, I've been waiting for this all day," Logan thought. A few seconds later, he heard the door open. He looked over, and he saw him. He saw Dallas walking in the library. When they made eye contact, he could see Dallas's eyes light up and squint, meaning he was smiling. Logan was pretty sure his own eyes lit up too. He motioned over for him to sit next to him, and Dallas sat down across from him. They worked for about 5 minutes before Dallas broke the silence.

"Hey Logan, I actually have a question about FBLA yesterday," Dallas said.

"Sure what is it?" Logan asked.

"It's probably easier if you come over here so you can see my screen, I can't figure out how to insert information into Microsoft Sway," Dallas said.

"Oh, sure," Logan replied. He moved his chair over to the nearest corner to Dallas so he could see his screen. "Oh, you just copy whatever you want to put in, click new and click either textbox for text, or image for an image. You'll have to put the image link in for it to work," Logan said, searching deep into his mind to come up with more information so he could be by his side longer. Not wanting to be annoying by adding unwanted information, Logan started to reluctantly go back to his spot across the table, but Dallas seemed to sense his reluctance.

"You can just sit by me, I'll probably need help in a minute or so," Dallas said.

"I swear he can read my mind," Logan thought.

"Ok, sure," he said a little too eagerly. Logan moved his chair beside Dallas, and continued to work on his business project.

"Hey Logan, sorry to bother you, but how do you put in a table? I'm not used to Microsoft products yet," Dallas asked with a hint of shyness in his voice. Logan leaned in and pointed to his screen.

"It should be under the insert tab," Logan replied. Logan was about to move back into his normal position, but Dallas wasn't quite ready for him to move away so quickly. "While you're over here, is this all I have to do, or is there more in canvas?" Dallas asked slowly.

"I'm not 100% sure," Logan replied, trying to make this the lengthiest answer possible, and also slowing down. 

"There might be more in canvas under the same link from yesterday, or it also could be under a different link. I would look through the canvas page, and if you don't find anything, I guess that's all you need to do," Logan replied, out of breath from talking so slowly and making his response as long as possible as an excuse to keep leaning in. As much as Logan hated to do this, he returned to his normal position, continuing his project. Both of them knew that they had wanted to lean in close to the other, so they adjusted their chairs so they could be as close as possible without technically leaning.

"I found your Instagram account this morning," Dallas said." I sent you a follow request."

"Yeah, I saw it and accepted it. I was looking for your account yesterday, but the x in your username threw me off," Logan replied.

"I know, when I made that account a few years ago I guess I just wanted to be different or something, I don't really know why it has the x in it," Dallas said.

"Well I'm sure you had no trouble finding my account," Logan said. "It's just @logan_skegrie, with an underscore in the middle like everyone else on the planet."

"At least yours is easy to remember, I don't know how many times I've forgotten mine," Dallas said, half laughing.

"I think you can change your username now," Logan said.

"I think you're right, but I'm too lazy, and I don't even know what I would change it to," Dallas replied.

"You probably get this question a lot and hate it, but have you ever been to the city of Dallas?" Logan asked.

"I actually have. Only once when I was 10, but I guess it still counts. Have you been anywhere interesting?" Dallas asked.

I go to Montana every summer to visit my grandparents, and I've been to Seattle a few times," Logan said. "I've been to Disneyworld a couple times, but most people have been there."

"Yeah, I've been to Disneyworld once too. I haven't been to Montana or Washington, but I'd love to go someday," Dallas replied. Logan looked at the time.

"It's 2:50, maybe we should get a little work done, we have just been talking most of the time," he said. 

"I guess you're right, I should work on this a little more," Dallas said. 8 minutes later, they were packing up their stuff.

Dallas took a deep breath, and said to Logan, "Hey, can I have your number? I'd love to keep talking to you."

"Oh, of course, why didn't I think of that?" Logan said, exchanging numbers with Dallas. Dallas breathed a sigh of relief. After they exchanged numbers, the god damn bell rang, forcing them apart.

"Bye Logan, I'll text you after school!" Dallas said as they walked out of the library.

"Yep, I'll be waiting!" Logan called back.

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