Chapter 13

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Logan got to Spanish right as the bell rang. Dallas had texted back by that time. He took his turn in Cup Pong, getting his 2 shots in cups, and getting one more, just missing the fourth one.

"Dammit, so close," Logan texted.

Dallas texted back, "Haha, another chance for me :)"

"Anything for you," Logan texted back without thinking.

"And I'd do anything for you," Dallas replied. Logan smiled at his message.

"Wait, where did the 'and' come from?" he thought, searching for where it came from. Then he read his text message.

"Did I really just send that?" Logan asked himself. "I guess I did. Wow, normal friends do not text like this," he thought. That damned bell rang, pulling Dallas and Logan apart once again. Logan groaned, and took out his Spanish notebook, ready to add to it. They were learning some new verbs. Logan wrote down the word and English translation in his notebook. A long period of note taking later, Logan went to biology. He finished the conclusion questions, and reluctantly showed his group the answers.

"I swear I'm gonna tell the teacher one day," Logan said to himself. After he finished the conclusion questions, his teacher handed out a scrimmage.

"Another fucking scrimmage, how nice," Logan thought. "Why do we even get so many? We get them on a near daily basis, and they don't even count toward anything." Logan sighed, starting his scrimmage.

"Why do I even try?" Logan tried to be as intricate and detailed as possible so he wouldn't get docked for something stupid. 10 minutes later, he finished his scrimmage and turned it into the tray. Having just enough time to text Dallas back with a game turn, the bell rang.

"I finally get to see Dallas," Logan thought as he squeezed by people and rushed up the stairs. Practically running into the library door, he swung it open, and speedwalked to his normal table, sitting down and waited patiently for Dallas to arrive. A minute later, Dallas opened the door and walked to Logan's table. They both smiled and waved as soon as their eyes made contact.

"Hi Logan," Dallas greeted him.

"Hi Dallas, how's it going?" Logan asked.

"Pretty good. I got a little bit of homework from Western Civ, but I finished it during lunch," Dallas replied.

"Did you eat anything?" Logan asked.

"I had a banana and some water," Dallas confessed.

"That's it? You need to eat more!" Logan said, half joking, half genuine.

"I'll just have a snack when I get home," Dallas said.

"You better," Logan joked. "But seriously, eat something," Logan said seriously.

"Ok, I will," Dallas replied. Dallas remembered what he had been planning, and he had to ask Logan today. He tried taking deep breaths, but it wasn't helping his anxiety. He tried to ease his anxiety by continuing the Cup Pong game.

"Damn, I was so close," Dallas whispered, just barely missing his last cup.

"I might win," Logan said, even though he had 5 cups left. He made one. Then another. Then another. Then another one.

"I made quite the comeback, I'm for sure gonna win this," Logan said, getting cocky. He swiped, and it bounced off the rim.

"Noooo, I was doing so well, I made a comeback and I was about to win!" Logan complained.

"Don't worry, I still have to make my shot first," Dallas said. He took his shot, and it went into his final cup. If Logan didn't make this shot, he would lose, and if he did, it would go to a tiebreaker. Taking a deep breath, Logan made his shot. It bounced off the rim twice, but bounced off.

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