Chapter 11

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Logan woke up, and a few minutes later he went to the bathroom to take a shower. He got dressed and made his way into the kitchen with his things.

"Good morning Logan," his dad said while making scrambled eggs.

"Good morning," Logan replied, pouring a cup of apple juice and taking a sip. A few minutes later, his dad put down a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Logan.

"Thanks dad," he said as he began eating. After he finished his breakfast, he looked at the time.

"I actually have time to brush my teeth this morning," Logan thought as he headed back into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Shortly after he brushed his teeth, he got in his dad's car, and his dad drove to school. The bus would only go to North. He scrolled through the group chat argument that went on late last night. As he was scrolling to the beginning, his eyes widened in shock.

TW homophobia 

The argument was about gay marriage. Logan read and reread the messages, analyzing them carefully.

"Remember how gay people couldn't marry? I wished it was that way again," Paul said.

"Yeah, it's disgusting, they can adopt kids now, which is even worse," Ashton said.

"They need to stop forcing their agenda on us. I don't have a problem with gay people, but they shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt. Those privileges should only be given to functioning families," Paul said.

"They are just setting an example for their kids, soon enough, everyone is going to be gay, and the end of humanity is going to happen because there aren't anymore straight people," Ashton predicted.

"Anyone who claims to be trans is just wanting attention," Paul ranted.

"If you have a dick, you're a boy, and if you have a pussy, you're a girl," Ashton added. Logan slowly scrolled down to see a multi-paragraph essay written by Greyson.

"The transphobic and homophobic arguments you are making are entirely wrong, and I can prove it. First of all, gay people have fought for marriage for over 50 years. There is nothing wrong with it, and it's not any of your business, so why are you so upset about it? You're getting upset over someone else marrying into a happy relationship, do you know how sick that sounds?"

"Secondly, you think they shouldn't be able to adopt kids. Gay parents are no different than straight parents in terms of raising children. Gay couples are more committed to their children because they have to put much more time, effort, and money getting their children in the first place. Straight couples only have to deal with hospital bills when she gives birth, and the majority of that is covered by insurance, so the relationship between them and their kids is more vulnerable to being a bad, toxic relationship. Paul, you also say that you don't have a problem with gay people, but you are opposing them and supporting discrimination towards them, so are you sure you don't have a problem with them?"

"Thirdly, your argument about trans people not existing is disgusting to me and invalid in multiple ways. Studies show that the brain material in trans' people's brains correspond with their gender identity, and that they were just born to the wrong gender. Also, intersex people do actually exist, at birth there is sometimes mixed genitalia that is not binding to male nor female, so they do not have a biological gender bind. They can identify as agender, bigender, or however they feel what labels fit them best. Do I need to elaborate any further on any of these topics?"

Logan looked at the time Greyson's rant was sent. 7:59, only a few minutes ago.

"I really need to reconsider my friends," Logan thought, closing the message app. He scrolled through Instagram for the rest of the ride. They got to school 20 minutes later, and Logan walked inside. He saw Greyson waving at him, sitting at a different table than Paul and Ashton. Logan walked over and sat down across from him.

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