Chapter 31

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Logan propped the door open, and walked outside. He felt the cool breeze hit his face, drying his wet eyes. Him and Dallas looked at each other for the first time in the bright streetlight's glow. His face was a wreck. His cheeks were still red and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

"Wow, you look terrible," Logan said softly.

"Is it that bad? You don't look too great yourself," Dallas asked, touching Logan's face.

"It's pretty noticeable, but you're still cute," Logan said.

"You're cuter," Dallas said, smiling. Logan liked how the streetlight shone on his face. Logan smiled, and blushed, adding more color to his already red face.

"Even under these circumstances, you're still the most adorable thing when you blush," Dallas said.

"Even with bloodshot eyes? I don't think any part of my face isn't red anymore," Logan said, leaning closer. "Absolutely. About your face, just don't look. If only you saw yourself through my eyes," Dallas said. "Sit down."

Logan did, and Dallas sat down next to him. Dallas quickly texted his parents, telling them that he would be at Logan's house for the night.

"If I phrase it as a statement they are less likely to say no," Dallas explained.

"I really should try that," Logan said. He texted his mom and said he would be having a sleepover with Dallas. However, Logan wasn't as lucky.

"No, you're not. You just had one last week," his mom texted back. "Dammit, what now?" Logan asked.

"Could you ask your dad?" Dallas suggested. Logan hadn't thought of that. To their delight, he agreed, and he would even pick them up so mom didn't find out until it was too late.

"It's almost like he knows everything," Logan said.

"What does he know, exactly?" Dallas asked.

"Nothing, or at least not to my knowledge. How did he figure out that I'm gay when it has only been a week?" Logan said back.

"I don't know, but some parents seem to sense everything. Maybe your dad is one of those people," Dallas said.

"I really don't think he is, he doesn't pay much attention to me," Logan reasoned.

"Maybe he secretly does," Dallas replied.

"You're making it sound creepy," Logan said, shivering as a gust of wind blew.

"Are you shivering because of your dad or because of the wind?" Dallas asked, concern rising in his voice.

"A little bit of both, but it was only a gust of wind," Logan said, attempting to dismiss Dallas's concerns.

"There's always wind gusts, we live in Fargo," Dallas said, scooting closer.

"It's not that bad," Logan said, shiving some more.

"Do you want to go back inside?" Dallas asked.

"I really don't, there might be other people wandering," Logan said.

"Here let me—" Dallas said but stopped himself.

"What?" Logan asked. "What were you saying?"

"I was going to ask if....if you wanted to sit on my lap. It would help you stay out of the wind," Dallas said shyly, his face turning red.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked.

"Yes. You're shivering constantly." Dallas said.

"Okay..." Logan said, carefully positioning himself to sit in Dallas's lap. He slowly lowered himself down, carefully putting his weight on Dallas.

"Is this okay?" Logan asked.

"You're really light, it's fine," Dallas said, adjusting his position to make himself more comfortable. "Is it okay if I hug you too?" he asked. Logan nodded, and Dallas wrapped his arms around Logan's chest, pulling him in.

"You're so cold," he said, tightening his grip on Logan. Dallas took off his jacket, and wrapped Logan in it.

"Thank you," Logan whispered. In response, Dallas rested his chin on his shoulder, nuzzling up to Logan.

"You're so warm," Logan said, letting Dallas cuddle him.

"Good," Dallas said. They stayed like this for a few minutes. Logan continued to savor Dallas's warm grip on him, never wanting to let go. Dallas didn't want to let go either, but the wind was unforgiving, and soon they both started to shiver.

"You're wrapped in my coat and you're shivering again?" Dallas asked.

"I'm skinnier and smaller than you, so yeah," Logan said.

"Let's go inside, I'm cold too," Dallas said. Logan awkwardly stood up, struggling to gain his balance.

"You okay?" Dallas asked, noticing Logan's stumble.

"Yeah, my legs just fell asleep," Logan said. They went back inside, and put the chair back in the pod. "It's 10:15, maybe my dad's here," Logan said, pulling out his phone to check.

"He's almost here, should we go out?" Logan asked.

"What if your mom sees us?" Dallas asked.

"True, let's just wait until he gets here," Logan agreed. Just as he put his phone back in his pocket, it buzzed in a consistent rhythm. His eyes widened as he looked at the screen. His mom was calling him.

"Shit, what do I do?" Logan asked frantically.

"You could ignore it, and if she asks just say you were in the gym and you couldn't hear it over the music," Dallas said quickly.

"Okay." Logan said, taking Dallas's suggestion. After the call ended, she texted him, 'I am outside waiting.'

"How are we going to avoid her?" Logan asked.

"What if we go out through the science doors again, and sneak around the outside of the school. Tell your dad to park on the street," Dallas suggested.

"He's almost here, he might just pull in the parking lot anyway," Logan said.

"I'm pretty sure he's stuck in the line of cars outside. He can't be in the parking lot if he just got here. Let's go now," Dallas said, getting up.

"I hope you're right," Logan said, following. Sure enough, Logan spotted his dad's car near the end of the line, just past the roundabout.

"Perfect!" Logan said, and grabbed Dallas's hand as they ran to the car. They rushed in the car, and Logan's dad quickly turned around, going northbound away from Davies. 

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