Chapter 15

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Logan was at school, in the library with Dallas. They were in a corner of the library, talking about things, and procrastinating getting work done, as usual. Logan laid his head on the table, tired. Dallas moved over right next to Logan, and did the same, facing Logan. Without any warning, Dallas reached his hand over, and started stroking Logan's hair.

"I don't ever want to leave you," Dallas whispered. Logan smiled, relishing the moment. Everything was perfect. Dallas's hand stroking his hair, his soothing voice, and there was no one else besides them on that side of the library. Dallas was going to pull his hand back to him, but Logan said,

"No. Please keep doing it," he whispered with a pleading look in his eye. Dallas's heavenly hand returned, continuing to stroke his hair.

"I don't ever want to leave you either," Logan said. He heard a faint beeping in the background, getting progressively louder. Logan soon came back to the reality of his beeping alarm clock, disrupting the peacefulness of his dream.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Logan woke up to the beeping of his alarm clock, thoroughly disappointed he had to wake up from that dream. "I loved that, if only he would do that in real life," Logan thought. Little did he know, Dallas also had that same dream. They shared the dream, Dallas had made the move and started stroking Logan's hair. Logan had given Dallas the confidence to make a move. Without him, he would never have the amount of confidence in himself he had now.

Logan started the shower, and stepped in, thinking about his dream. "Would Dallas do that? Does he feel the same way about me?" Logan thought, soaping his body.

Dallas laid in bed, thinking about the dream he just had. He remembered how Logan's hair felt. It was so soft. "I have to control myself, or else I won't be able to resist touching it when I see him," Dallas thought. He put on a gray hoodie over a t-shirt and black sweatpants because it was going to be fairly cool outside.

Logan stepped out of the shower, dried off, and brushed his teeth before returning to his room to get dressed. Logan went back to the bathroom to comb his hair, and went downstairs for breakfast. Eating his toast and drinking his orange juice, he looked at the clock. 7:22. His mom hasn't left yet, which was unusual for Logan to be downstairs by that time. Having some extra time, Logan scrolled through the list of notifications. Clearing most of them and investigating the ones he wanted to see, he put down his phone just as his mom was leaving.

"Bye Logan, I'll pick you up after school. Remember you need to pack for the sleepover," she said. How could Logan forget about the sleepover?

"Okay, bye mom," Logan said as she closed the door and started her car. Logan scrolled through Instagram for the remainder of his time at home. Liking a few posts by classmates, he packed up his things and put on a light coat. He put his shoes on, grabbed his backpack and left the house, turning off the lights and locking the door on the way out. Logan walked to the bus stop, and a few minutes later, got on the bus and sat in his usual seat. He turned on his phone and checked the group chat, only to find out that he was removed.

"What? I didn't do anything," Logan thought. "I guess I'm not complaining though." He decided he would find Greyson when he got to school and ask him if he also got removed.

"Wow, Greyson was right. They didn't ever care about us," Logan thought. He felt the same way as Greyson. He still cared about them, but they didn't, and that made him a little sad about losing them so quickly.

"I wish I could do it on my own terms, but I guess I didn't have to have that awkward conversation," Logan thought. "I guess it's a good and bad thing." The bus pulled up to the school, and Logan collected his things, and stepped out of the bus, walking inside. He saw Greyson over by the kitchen wall, and he walked over and sat down at his table.

"Hi Greyson," he said.

"Hi Logan, how's it going?" Greyson asked.

"Fine. On the way here, I was thinking about what you said at lunch, and I agree. I wish I could've ended it on my own terms, and we learned about the harsh truth that they never cared about us. It's a good thing and a bad thing, but I'm still sad about it," Logan said.

"I am too, but it's out of our control. I also wish we could've talked to them, but they obviously just don't care. I was removed from the group chat this morning, and god knows who's in there now," Greyson said.

"Yeah, I was also removed, and I didn't even do anything. I guess not being on their side made them remove me too," Logan said.

"I feel bad now, I got you removed from the group chat," Greyson said, remorseful.

"No, it's a good thing, I probably would have just left anyway, don't worry about it," Logan said.

"Okay, I'll try not to," Greyson said. "Anyways, talking with you and Dallas was fun last night."

"Yeah, the game was more fun with 3 people," Logan replied.

"How's it going with Dallas?" Greyson asked.

Logan recalled his dream, and he was unsure how to respond. "Um, it's been fine. We're having a sleepover tonight," Logan said.

"That will be fun, what are you going to do there?" Greyson asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think he has something planned," Logan replied.

"Oh, ok, that's cool," Greyson said. The bell rang, and the long school day began.

"This school day can't go by fast enough," Logan thought, excited for the sleepover. AP Euro went by slowly. Logan got some progress made, completing another slide and citing sources.

He continued his basics of business project, searching for some final things before he turned it in. Logan also started an archery game with Dallas, and completed 2 rounds before the bell rang, both of them winning once.

Logan walked to English, sad that he would have to go offline for 45 minutes and leave Dallas on delivered. Logan was in full focus, typing quickly and almost nonstop, trying his best to avoid distractions that could pull him out of his rhythm. With 5 minutes left of class, he cited the evidence that he used, and called it a day. He texted back Dallas, taking his archery turn, and walked to Algebra. They were now learning how to factor, and it confused the hell out of Logan.

"What the hell, how did she get -2 and -3 from -5 and 6?" he asked himself, extremely confused. After attempting a few of the homework problems, he gave up and took his turn in archery, not scoring many points and triggering Dallas's victory.

"Yesss," Dallas texted. Logan smiled, and the bell rang, and he went to lunch.

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