Chapter 20

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An hour later, things weren't looking good for Logan. He had little spare money, and Dallas owned the majority of the board.

"If you give me your Pacific Avenue, I'll give you 300 dollars," Dallas offered.

"If I did that then you'd have a full set, and be able to put houses on it to bankrupt me," Logan said, reluctant to take his trade offer.

"Exactly, but you aren't going to last long," Dallas said, trying to sell Logan.

"Nope, not gonna do it, I'm already two thirds of the way to Go," Logan said.

"What if you land on Boardwalk?" Dallas asked.

"Then I'll mortgage," Logan replied.

"Alright, fine, suit yourself," Dallas said. Logan held his breath as he rolled the dice. He moved his token over to Marvin Gardens. "Dammit, how many properties do I have to mortgage now?" Logan asked.

"That will be 120 dollars," Dallas said smugly. Logan looked down at his 37 dollars. He mortgaged his Pacific Avenue and Connecticut Avenue to pay back Dallas.

"Are you sure you don't want to sell me Pacific Avenue? I'll give you 300 dollars, and I'll even let you unmortgage Connecticut Avenue if you just give me the property," Dallas said. Logan thought about it.

"If I give him the property, he would get a full set, and that could bankrupt me. What could also happen is if I survive another round and make it to the pink set, I could get a full set there, but I would have to go around twice. The three hundred dollar boost will definitely help,"  Logan thought, trying to make a decision.

"Ok, fine. I'm not gonna win any other way," Logan said, giving in to Dallas's barter attempt. Dallas gave Logan the 300 dollars, and Logan gave Dallas Pacific Avenue.

"Perfect, it was a pleasure doing business with you," Dallas said.

"Just roll the dice," Logan said, pretending to be annoyed. Dallas rolled a 10, and landed on one of his properties. Taking a deep breath, Logan rolled, praying to avoid Dallas's Boardwalk. He rolled a 4, narrowly avoiding Dallas's newly gained full set, and landed on Community chest. He drew a card, and read,

"Go to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200." "Perfect," Logan thought. The game would spit him out right by the pink set. Dallas took his turn, landing on another one of his own properties. Logan rolled doubles, allowing to get out of jail. He rolled again, and rolled a 3, landing him on States Avenue, one of the properties he needed.

"This couldn't have gone any better," Logan thought as he bought the property. "Now I just need to survive until I make it around again." Dallas took his turn, and landed on Logan's Connecticut Avenue.

"Here's your 8 dollars," Dallas said, giving Logan 8 dollars.

"Wow, thanks," Logan said, happy to be receiving money for once. Logan rolled the dice, and got a 6, landing on Dallas's New York Avenue, but it was an incomplete set, so he only had to pay him 16 dollars. Dallas rolled, but only got a 4, landing on Logan's States Avenue.

"Wow, maybe I shouldn't have given you 300 dollars," Dallas said.

"You want to give up your complete set?" Logan asked.

"No, not really," Dallas said.

"That's what I thought," Logan replied. Dallas took his turn, landing on free parking.

"Please make me land on chance or something," Logan said to himself as he rolled the dice. He had rolled an 8. He counted the spaces, and put his token down. He had landed on Ventnor Avenue, one of Dallas's full sets.

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