Chapter 29

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Logan walked into the building 10 minutes early, and looked around for Dallas. He saw no sign of him, so he sat at a table and waited. Sure enough, five minutes later, Dallas walked in. Logan waved so he could see him, but stopped mid-wave.

His jaw dropped, and he was glad he was wearing a mask. As Dallas walked up to him, Logan pulled himself together, but couldn't stop sneaking glances. He looked stunning. Dallas wore a gray suit with a black collared dress shirt under his jacket. He also wore black dress shoes, and let his slightly curled hair come out.

"Oh my god, you look amazing," Logan said, still in shock.

"Thank you, you look phenomenal," Dallas said back. Logan couldn't help but smile.

"Well, should we go in?" Logan asked.

"Sure, and we get to see all the nasty school couples," Dallas said.

"You know, we're technically one of them," Logan said, laughing.

"I know, but at least we have some common decency to not make out in the gym in front of a few hundred people," Dallas defended.

"Alright, you win," Logan said, wondering when it would be their turn. "It would be cliché to do it on homecoming night, but romantic at the same time," he thought.

Logan took a deep breath, and walked into the gym. Dallas walked beside him. There was a DJ booth, and he was blaring popular music at the time. It was dark, but the disco lights from the DJ were extremely bright and flashing constantly. You had to squint and cover your eyes to look forward.

"I'm going to be blind after this," Dallas remarked. Logan laughed.

"We might go deaf first," he said over the noise of blaring music and other people screaming. Then he heard a familiar voice. It was Ashton's. He seemed to be talking to Paul, but he couldn't tell. Every instinct he had told him to run, but he hesitated.

"They haven't seen me yet. Besides, I'm not going to let them ruin our night. They probably won't even do anything, there are too many people and teachers around," Logan reasoned with himself. He turned his attention back to the wonderful boy who was standing next to him. Shivers by Ed Sheeran started to play.

"Oh, I love this song," Dallas said.

"Really? I've heard it, but I don't really know it," Logan replied.

"That's ok, it's not that hard," Dallas said as he started to sing. Logan kind of hummed along with the song, but near the end he learned a portion of the chorus. He sang with Dallas, not caring who was around him, because they didn't matter. Only Dallas mattered in this moment.

That's when it hit him. Dallas was his boyfriend.

"Oh baby you wanna dance till the sunlight cracks, and when they say the party's over then we'll bring it right back," the speaker blared. He could just barely hear Dallas singing, but he loved the sound of his voice. Especially when he sang. Even with all the noise around them, Logan felt at peace. Some older, unfamiliar songs played, and they tried their best to learn them.

They wouldn't tell each other, but they loved the sound of each other's voices. They kept singing, drunk on each other's voices. After a little while, they took a break in the commons.

"Singing is so fun," Dallas said.

"It's fun when I can hear your voice," Logan said, not meaning for Dallas to hear.

"What was that?" Dallas asked, only understanding a portion of what Logan said. "What's fun?"

Logan felt every ounce of blood rush to his face. "Ummm," Logan hesitated. But then he remembered what mattered. He couldn't hide what he was saying from his boyfriend.

"I said that it's fun when I can hear your voice," Logan said awkwardly. Logan saw Dallas's blood rush up to his face.

"Oh umm, thank you?" Dallas said, unsure how to react. Actually he did, but he also hesitated. "I...I like the sound of your voice too," he said shyly.

"Maybe we should sing more, then," Logan suggested. Dallas smiled.

"Okay, let's do that," Dallas said as they walked back into the crowded gym. A song recognizable by almost anyone came on. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus came blaring over the speakers. They sang-screamed the chorus like they were the only ones there. In their minds, they were. Nothing else mattered in that moment. Only their voices, singing in unison. It was just them for the next 30 minutes, belting out lyrics of popular songs. But suddenly, there was a change in pace with the songs. The couples' song was coming on.

They just looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Finally, Dallas spoke.

"Should we go?" he asked.

"I...I really don't know," Logan said, trying to make up his mind.

"You don't have to do it if you don't feel comfortable," Dallas said. Logan thought for a second. The truth was, he was scared. People would be watching them. There's a good chance Ashton and Paul would see them. But what if they tried? Would anyone really care? Making up his mind, he revealed his answer.

"I'll gladly dance with you," Logan said. Dallas paused before answering.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you into it," he said.

"I'm sure," Logan replied, taking Dallas's hand and walking to the middle of the gym. They stood there, looking at each other's blushing faces.

" do you want to do this?" Logan whispered.

"Just...take my hands, step right, step left, go counterclockwise," Dallas instructed. They stepped right, and then left, putting their feet slightly off-centered so they could turn. After a minute of awkwardly moving and stepping on each other, they finally got the hang of it.

"How did you learn to waltz?" Logan asked, concentrating so he didn't fall.

"My dad taught me when the moment came that I asked a girl to dance. I thought I wouldn't ever use it, but here we are," Dallas replied.

"Do you want to try twirling?" he asked, nervous. Logan just looked at him, lost in his eyes.

"I can try," Logan said, pausing his precarious waltz.

"Okay, I'm gonna push you out a little with my right arm, and spin counterclockwise, like waltzing. Try to balance on the ball of one foot, and try to keep your arm connected to mine, but let go if you have to," he guided. "You ready?"

"I think so," Logan replied. Dallas gently pushed Logan's arm away, and Logan spun, almost losing his balance but Dallas pulled his arm back, and Logan regained his balance. 

"Thanks, I lost my balance," Logan said, chuckling.

"No worries, this isn't easy," Dallas replied. "Wanna try it again?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's try it again," Logan said. Dallas pushed his arm out, and Logan spun, and maintained his balance. But it wasn't over yet. To his surprise, Dallas pulled him back in, lightly wrapped his arm around his waist, and dropped Logan down to his waist level, doing a ballroom style turn and dip. Logan let out a yelp of surprise, drawing attention to him and Dallas. He quickly pulled Logan back onto his feet, and saw their worst nightmare occur right before their eyes. 

Homophobia, F slur usage, and verbal assault occurs in beginning of next chapter. If you are uncomfortable with this content, scroll past the first few lines of the chapter.

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