Chapter 25

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I lied to Devon saying I would only make the plan with him, but I never planned to keep my word.  I wanted to be a part of it as much as he did.  We made a plan together saying how he'd go with a few people with the highest magic power that he knew of and go find the dragon and fight it.  It needed to be taken down.  It was a danger to all the people around it.  It's already destroyed several villages.  It couldn't be left to roam free.

Once we finished brainstorming ideas, we got back to work on studying the book "Families of the Past".

We finished reading the book pages of 178-189 finally and now we focused on reading page 387.

Page 387 showed things dealing with the royal family trees such as their names, dates and pictures, just like father in my dreams said.  Now, the question was why he wanted me to read it.  I looked throughout the page, looking at the names, dates, and pictures, finally coming to a stop on a picture of a baby girl who was blonde-haired and blue-eyed.  I looked down below and the name "Delilah" showed underneath the picture as well as a birth date but no death date was written on it, unlike the other siblings and parents.

The birth date was around what my birth date was, and the name is the same as what I was called by that woman in my dreams.  I looked up from the book in shock.

"I'm the girl in the picture aren't I?" I whispered.  "I'm royalty," I murmured.  I stood up and slowly walked away from the table, out the library door and walked to my room.  Time to sleep, I thought and walked over to the bed, covered myself in my one blanket, and went to sleep.


I saw Kaylee get up from her seat at the table in a daze and I watched as she slowly left the library.  After she disappeared from view, I went to try and find out what made her that way, but had a little bit of a hard time finding it out.  I then recalled hearing her murmur some things that I barely heard her say.

"Girl... picture... I'm royalty."

Honestly, I had to strain my ears a bit to even hear that much.  That's how quiet she was, and she was sitting there next to me.

I then looked through the page again that she was looking at with renewed eyes searching thoroughly for answers.  I stopped on a picture of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby who looked a little bit similar to Kaylee, and then compared that picture to the family pictures next to it, and I could see a bit more of the possible resemblance between them and her.  I then looked at the name and dates under the baby's picture and even though I read a different name than her own, the birth date looked similar to what Kaylee could have.

I was shocked.

I leaned back in my chair and had these thoughts running through my mind, Kaylee is a royal?  Is that even possible?  Then I thought, Now I can marry her!  But seriously, who would have thought?  Then another thought came to me and I brought my right index finger up and touched my lower lip, could she possibly be a dragon tamer?  I set my arm back on the table and placed my hand on top of the book.  Well, even if she is, there's no way I'll take her with me.  She needs to stay away from the dragon where it's safe.  I love her too much to let her fight that dragon.

I closed the book and stood up to leave, walking out the door and to my room to sleep.

Goodnight, I thought to Kaylee, and went to sleep.

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