Chapter 15

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What a girl, I thought as she was being taken away.  I blushed.  I couldn't believe how cute she was, even when angry, and her fire... Oh, her fire.  Such beauty in her green fire, and it highlighted her features.  I made up my mind.  I brought my arm to my chest and then sharply jerked it to the side.

"I'm going to marry her, " I muttered to myself with resolution.  I continued on my way, but this time I changed direction and headed in the direction the young girl went.  I followed her to her room.  Once there I waited for her to enter her room before following.  I knocked on her door three times and opened the door to let myself in.  I took one step into the room when I saw a disastrous scene in front of me.

I stopped in my tracks.  What I saw shocked me to my core.  The room was in shambles!  I didn't even know where to begin, it was such a mess.  Almost everything was ruined, if not everything.  And there, sitting in the floor with arms to her side propping her up was the girl, looking at me with defiant eyes.  I guess I couldn't blame her.

"Why're you here?" she asked in a harsh tone.  She didn't seem at all too pleased to see me.  She even said the words between her teeth, that's how bad it was.  I stepped further into the room and squatted down to meet her more at eye level.  I had my wrists just hanging off of my knees and looked her in the eyes.

"Hello.  Let's start over.  Hi.  What's your name?  And what has happened here?" I motioned my right arm through the air to emphasize the last part of my comment.

She looked at me skeptically.  Figures, I thought.  I brushed my hand through my hair, tousling it up even more than it usually was, which was saying something.  My hair might be nice the first few hours of the day, but after that it tends to become quite a bit wild.

She sighed, deciding to give in.  "Fine, " she agreed.  "My name is Kaylee.  Your name is Prince Devon, right?"

I flinched at her words.  I didn't want to be called 'Prince Devon' by anyone.  Especially not by Kaylee.

"Just call me Devon, please, " I told her.  I felt like I was begging here.  I never liked the title 'Prince' and doubt I'd ever like it.  What's more, is that I'll end up being called 'King', too.  I didn't like the sound of that either.

She continued looking at me and slowly nodded in agreement.  I heaved a heavy sigh of relief, glad to be over with that.  I snapped back to attention and asked her again, "What happened here?"  I was worried for her.  She looked away and mumbled something under her breath.

I bent towards her more and put my hand behind my ear and said, "Sorry.  I didn't catch that.  What did you say?"  She mumbled again.  "What?"  I asked again.  She turned to me with a look of anger and impatience and finally spoke loud enough for me to hear.

"Someone sabotaged my room!  Okay?!"  She yelled at me, arms out wide on her sides.

I was taken aback.  I figured as much, but I didn't want to believe it.

"And if you didn't stop me, I would have been able to beat the crap out of that jerk!  Sorry.  Jerks!"  She was seething mad, breathing through her teeth.  It was quite a sight to see.  I stood back up and took a step back.  It all made sense now.  That's why she was attacking that girl.  Why she was looking so fierce.  I immediately felt even more bad for her.  She must have seen it in my expression, because her eyes and facial expression changed to fear, and then anger once more.  This time, more intense.  I had to stop this fire of emotion from escalating even more, so I moved my hands in what I hoped would be a soothing motion.

"Easy, easy, " I soothed.  She began to calm down a little.

"Don't pity me, " she spat out and looked away.

I realized she must know what I feel towards her as a result of this situation.  I couldn't imagine what this would be like if this were to happen to me.  I nodded to her in silent agreement, promising that I wouldn't pity her, at least anymore.

"I'll help you clean up, and bring you more bedding and clothes."

She looked at me with a grateful look on her face.  The first nice look she'd given me since entering her room, and even before, during the fight.  I relaxed and started cleaning.


I couldn't believe my eyes.  A prince, helping me clean.  A servant's room no less.  I wondered what Devon's life must be like.  His luxurious life with all the responsibilities of his kingdom resting on his shoulders, even more in the future as King.

I started cleaning my room shortly after he began and continued on for around thirty minutes or so and then he left to get more clothes and stuff for the bed.  Once that was finished I wiped my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand and breathed a deep sigh of satisfaction.  I turned around and saw him staring at me.  I was taken aback at the intensity of his gaze.  It felt like he was seeing right through my soul and I feared what he might see.  I composed myself, bowing my head and giving my uniform a couple of brushes and said, "Finally finished.  I'm glad that's done."  I looked back up and saw that he was still staring at me.  This is rather unsettling, I thought.  He blinked and looked away giving me a bit of a relief.  I heaved a huge sigh again, this time for relief of him turning away.

"Look-" he said, turning back to face me again.  "I like you, okay?  No!  I take that back.  I love you!  Will you please marry me?!" He blurted out, quickly cupping his hands over his mouth once he realized what he said.  He was blushing a deep red and looked away from me.  He looked like he wanted to take it all back, but it was too late for that. 

That revelation really took me by surprise.  I was taken aback by him once again.  I wondered if what he said was real and sincere.  That would explain the shock and blush afterwards.

"Okay, " I replied slowly, cautiously.  What a turn of events this turned out to be.  "Thing is Prince, you're a prince, obviously, and I'm not royalty.  There's also the fact that I hardly know you at all and you hardly know me.  How can you say that you love me for certain?"  These were all good facts and questions that I asked.  I don't know how he thought that he was in love with me, when we've only run into each other a few times, but here he was announcing his undying love to me in my room, right to my face.  What an awkward situation this turned out to be.  I took an irritated breath and marched up to him with folded arms.  I didn't know what I'd say to him so I just stared at him, and he turned his head back to me and stared right back without blinking.  He just leaned down and kissed me.  Then, I slapped him on the cheek.

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