Part-6 ( Cell )

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Ryo's POV-

We were taken inside a cell and locked up there. I walked with them willingly to avoid a fight. I could
have killed those dwarfs taking me to the cell a hundred times by now.

Rimuru was on the other side of the cell inside a barrel. He came out of the barrel soon after. Me and Ray are sitting on the opposite side of the cell with Gobta in the middle of Rimuru and us while the captain

Kaido- Well? As weak monsters and uh... with that weird outfit, they had probably seen you as easy targets. But, why did you get in the middle of that?

Kaido looked at Ryo and said.

- Is it against the rules of Dwargon to help a friend of mine or something?

- A slime is your friend?

- Nope, I am talking about the guy with ears, Ray.

Kaido- Oh, I see. According to the witnesses, your friend Ray did nothing and you just warned them off but, the slime...

- I was only trying to scare them off, really. I am sorry for all the trouble.

- Well, what you all said agrees with the witness reports. Just this once, I'll let you all-

A guard came running to Kaido cutting his sentence off. Then, the guard explained the situation to Kaido and Rimuru helped them by giving them a barrel of healing potion.


Kaido and the guard left them alone in the cell and went to aid the injured.

Rimuru looked towards Ryo and thought.

"Now that I look closely, the tattoos made on his hand are written in Japanese and he looks Japanese."

- Can I ask you something if you don't mind?

Ryo looked at Rimuru while leaning towards the wall with his hands on the back of his head.

- No.

- ............

- Ok, Ok ask fast

Rimuru- First of all, my name is Rimuru. I wanted to ask are you a Japanese?

"Should I tell him my real name?......Nope. Gotta have a cool name in this world."

- Yes, I am a Japanese. My name is Shuji Hanma. By the way, how can a slime know of Japan?

Ray's face showed a little bit of shock thinking why his master told the slime a fake name?

Ryo knew everything about Rimuru but still asked about it so he will not be suspicious of him.

Rimuru then explained him how he died and what he used to do in his previous life.

- By the way, how did you came in this world?

Ryo told him about how he died but didn't tell him about what he used to do or what was his age in the previous world.

- *sigh* Am I the only one in this world who became a slime? You are so lucky to get reincarnated in this world as a human.

- Yes, I like it in this world. It's so much fun everyday in this world.

- Ok. I want to ask whether if you would like to stay in my village in the Jura Forest?

- No, thanks.

Ryo picked Rimuru on his right hand.

- But, I may think of this offer. But, you should be a bit careful of whom you trust. I may be your enemy in the future. Who knows? Hahaha

Ryo said while laughing maniacally.

Rimuru jumped off from his hands and got in a fighting stance.

- Hey, Hey! We should not fight here. But maybe in the future?

Ryo said while laughing.

Ryo broke the lock of the cell and started to head outside. Ray got up and followed his master.

- We will met again soon, Ri-mu-ru~~

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- We will met again soon, Ri-mu-ru~~

Their footsteps could be heard as they were walking towards outside.

- Who was that guy? He seems dangerous but also cool.


A/n- It was a short chapter but fast upload. I have only 1 follower if you guys like this then just follow me so that I can get motivated to make more of these.

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