Part- 15 ( Preparations for the Orc Fight )

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I was walking on the roads of my city. I saw some Ogres walking on the other side of the road.

- Hey, Good morning guys.

I said to them.

- Good Morning, Hanma-sama

An ogre said in a friendly manner.

I got a little shocked.

"Oh! I forgot that Rauk had told my name to the Ogres."

I waved them goodbye as they waved me goodbye too.

"This skill is awesome. I couldn't read their mind. That means they are not hostile to me anymore."

I went to Rauk as I saw him working.

"He's working day and night. He has so much work to do. Guess, I have to help him somehow."

I talked with Rauk for sometime. I have given him my shadow orcs that I got so that he can complete the work faster.

I was walking back to my house when I got an idea.

"How about I make some helpers for him? Skill Creation."

Active Skill: Life Creation (???? Rank)

Description: The user can create life with it.

"Now, Life Creation."


[ Please choose the race ]

- Dwarf

[ Please make skills for the Dwarf. ]

- Make the same skills as that of Rauk

[ Dwarf has been created by Life Creation ]

A dwarf appeared in front of me with a bright light.

- Master, please give me your order.

The dwarf asked me as he bowed.

- For now, just wait here.

- Yes, Master.

I repeated the same process many times and made about 30 dwarfs.

- All of you, follow me.

- Yes, Master.

I took them with me to Rauk. I told Rauk that I made them so that he wouldn't have to work too much and also the construction could be finished fast.

- I can't thank you much for what you have done for me, Master.

Rauk said with a smile.

- Don't worry about it. Just don't overwork too much.

- Yes, Master.

I turned around to leave but I remembered something.

- Ah! I almost forgot. Rauk can you handshake with me?

- But, why Master?

- Just do it.

Rauk handshaked with me.

- Shuji Hanma.


[ The Skill Growth Helper has been activated. ]


[ Rauk, the dwarf has been added. ]

- Ok, thanks.

Rauk was a little confused but soon got back to his work while commanding the dwarves. I sat on a nearby chair.

"Gift Skill."

Passive Skill: The God Of Blacksmith (??? Rank)

Description: Everything, the user makes is a masterpiece.

- Ok, this should help Rauk. Now, I just have to find Ray and then go to Kallus.

I sat up from the chair and walked on the road.

"I probably know where he might be."

I walked to a nearby food shop. Ray was eating the cooked meat there.

"He likes it so much that he is eating it all day"

Hanma approaches Ray who sees him coming.

- Good Morning, Master.

- Good Morning, Ray. Actually, I wanted you to handshake with me.

He gave me a questioning look but didn't ask any questions and shaked hands with me.

"Growth Helper."

Hanma then broke the handshake.


[ Skill: The Skill Growth Helper has been activated. ]


[ Ray, the Tempest Star Wolf has been added. ]

- Ok, continue eating.

He continued eating in a very fast pace. I sat near him but not looking towards him.

"Ray is going to be my right hand man. So, he is going to get many powerful skills. Gift Skill."

Passive Skill: Advanced Superspeed Regeneration (?? Rank)

Description: The user's fatal wounds or killing injuries will get regenerated in an instant.

Active Skill: Demon Lord's Haki (??? Rank)

This ability grants the user to create insane fear among the targets which can even kill them with madness.

Active Skill: Arnament Haki (??? Rank)

Description: This ability grants the user to manifest their spirit as a weapon. No spiritual energy is needed. As the user gets stronger, the haki also gets stronger.

- I guess that's enough. I don't want to make too strong.

I sat up from the chair and walked to my office.

As I reached my office, I decided to go to Tempest to check up on Kallus.

But, as I teleported there. I got hit by a fireball.

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