Part- 40

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A/n- I am changing my writing style.


Timeskip | Hanma's POV

It has finally been three months. During the three months, I visited Rimuru occasionally because he- I mean she was busy building her town. I would visit her at times when she was free and Shion was not near her. I would vanish away whenever there was a slight chance of her giving me any work. During the three months, my relation with Benimaru, Souei, Shuna and Hakurou increased greatly. But, except for one. *sigh*I don't know how to make her not angry by my presence near Rimuru.

As for things in my nation, it's going pretty smoothly. Subaru was given the duty to train the kijins under his command by me but he's just lazing around. He has gone somewhere to explore this world as he still thinks that this is a fantasy world where he is the main character or something. So, I just gave him a holiday for some days so that he can know

As for the other captains, Kallus is currently being trained by Souei. Souei is teaching him assassination related things and how to use his skill more accurately.

Keller and Meliodas are guarding the city as it dosen't hurt to be alarmed at all times.

Ray always guards me as my personal bodyguard but today I somehow managed to shake him off to go to Tempest.

I was currently wearing a mask which covered just my mouth and also my usual outfit.

Okay now back to the present.

I teleported myself to Tempest again but...

I teleported myself to Tempest again but

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I guess I came at the wrong time. Should I just teleport back? Nobody has noticed me that I have came.

"HAHAHAHA! THIS BASTARD CAUGHT MY SWORD!!" Gazel laughed and said as he turned back.

"H-Hey?" Rimuru asked me in a questioning manner. "I forfeit. It is my loss. I have confirmed that your existence is not one of evil. If you don't mind, I'd like a place to discuss with you." Gazel said slightly turning back. "Then... The Victor is Rimuru Tempest!" Treyni said as the kijins jumped with joy on Rimuru's victory.

"Is this okay?" Rimuru asked Gazel. "Of course. I didn't plan for us to kill each other to begin with." Gazel said to Rimuru as he was heading back towards his Pegasus Knights.

"That fight was awesome." I said but actually I could see all of their moves in... slow motion or something. My stats are above one million so I guess it's to be expected.

Rimuru and the kijins looked at me as they didn't notice me earlier.

"What are you doing here?!!! After you ran away when I was just going to give you some work!!!!" Rimuru shouted at me as I closed my ears.

"You are still angry about that? You do know right? That I am the king of an entire na~tion. I have to manage things in my city so I left those work to you." I proudly said.

"There are not even that many citizens in your nation." Rimuru said narrowing her eyes.

"Who's this person, Rimuru?" Gazel asked Rimuru while looking at me. "I guess I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Shuji Hanma. I am the king of..." I paused for a bit thinking that I hadn't even come up with a name for my nation all this time.

"How stupid can I actually be?" I thought while hitting myself inside my mind.

I looked at Gazel who was waiting for me to continue.

"Kanzei." I said with a little whisper. "Yes?" Gazel said asking me to repeat myself. "The Nation of Kanzei. It's my nation's name." I said repeating myself. "Kanzei? I have never heard of a nation with that name."

"Yeah, it's a newly created nation. It's newly created and also it's quite nicely hidden inside the Jura Forest." I said as I saw Rimuru looking at me with 'you had never thought of a name for your nation until now' look.

"Hm.. I see. But, what is a human or rather a king is doing here, making his nation in the dangerous Jura Forest?" I could see Gazel's intense glare at me.

"Ah. I haven't told you yet? I am actually the second chancellor or something of the Jura Tempest Federation. In terms of authority, we could say that Rimuru and I have the same authority. " I said looking directly at Gazel's eyes. Gazel looked a little shocked after I finished my sentence. Gazel looked at Rimuru who just nodded.

The two people behind Gazel and the Pegasus Knights looked quite shocked too

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The two people behind Gazel and the Pegasus Knights looked quite shocked too.

I know probably why they're shocked. Because, who could guess that a human is having the same amount of authority as the ruler of this country of monsters.

"The reports had said that a human and a slime had defeated the Orc Lord. But, I suspected that the human had just assisted the slime who was fighting the Orc Lord all by himself. I guess I was wrong." Gazel said as he took out his sword from the sheath. "When Rimuru had said that there was someone in charge of this forest with equal authority as her, I thought it was probably a monster." Gazel said with a slight pause as he closed his eyes for two or three seconds and opened it again. "I want to fight you right here and right now." Gazel said pointing his sword towards me.


A/N- I am writing another story named That Time I got reincarnated as a slime X Dark Impulse. You would find it pretty boring or not understand the story when you are in the first three parts but when it will reach the Falmouth arc, it will get pretty interesting. So, just read it. Also, it is a story written by me just for fun.

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