Part- 9 ( Destined One and Trial )

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Rimuru POV-

I was taken for a party to the Butterflies of the Night as a reward for helping Kaijin to make the long Swords.

Currently, the cute elf in front of me is going to do my fortune telling.

"The person I'm destined to be with.. Could someone like that really be in this world? Maybe it's a slime I'm destined to be with."

- Oh, I see something!

Rimuru saw a woman with black hair having red mark on her right eye surrounded by five kids in the crystal ball.

"She sort of looked Japanese."

- That was one pretty girl. You are turning red.

Kajin said with a smiling face.

- Huh?! I don't change colors!

- Oh, you're curious about this person you're destined to be with, huh?

- Sure, I'm curious, but..

" Destined, huh? Is she's also Japanese, I guess I'd like to meet her."

Rimuru looked at the elf and said.

- Can you fortunetell that who will be the closest to me till my death?

- Sure.

The elf moved her hands like before and it showed a person sitting on a bed with two other person and in the middle of them was a lot of gold. A lot I mean A LOT!

- Rimuru, it seems that the person who will be the closest to you till you die is very rich.

Rimuru didn't say anything but his face could show a lot of surprise.

" I know this person! We have met before. His name was Hanma or someth-"

- Should you really be wasting time in a place like this?

Someone said interrupting Rimuru's thoughts.



So, a minister named Vesta came in the Butterflies of the Night and insulted me. Seeing this, Kaijin got in rage and beat the hell out of Vesta. Because of beating a minister, we were soon arrested and kept inside a cell. Inside the cell, Kaijin said that he would work for my country and his brothers also join me. Then, we were taken to a trial.


Currently, inside the trial room.

We were surrounded by many armored knights and I was specially locked by chains.

-His Majesty Gazel Dwargo will now enter!

Some footsteps could be heard. Everybody bowed down. I couldn't bow down so, I just looked down.

An old man hit his hammer twice after that.

- The trial will now begin. All rise.

Proxy- As we have seen, when Minister Vesta was enjoying a drink in said establishment. Kaijin and his gang stormed the place and assaulted him. Such behavior must not be tolerated.

- He's been bought.

Kaijin said slowly.

- Is this true?

- Yes. There is no mistake.

- King Gazel, Have you heard all this? Please pass strict judgement upon these people! Your Majesty!

- The principal offender, Kaijin, is sentenced to twenty years of forced labors in the mines. And his accomplices are sentenced to ten years of forced labors in the mines. The court is now adjourned.

- Wait.


Gazel Dwargo's POV-

- It's been some time, Kaijin. Have you been well?

- Yes.

Everybody except the soldiers bowed down before the king.

- Kaijin, you may answer His Majesty.

- Yes, Majesty. I am relieved to find you in good health, as well.

"Let's see."

- Kaijin. Do you have any interests in returning to my ranks?

- Forgive me, Your Majesty but I have already found my Master. My sworn oath is my greatest treasure. I will never part with this treasure, even if Your Majesty orders it.

- Insolence!

All the soldiers pointed their spears towards Kaijin.

"So, he has found a new master. Is it that slime? Can it be that this slime is the one who killed those soldiers. It is possible."

- I see.

After a pause, I answered.

I raised my hand a little to signal the soldiers to lower their weapons.

- I will now pass judgement. Kaijin and his Companions shall be exiled. That concludes my verdict. Disappear from my sight at once!

"Thanks for serving me, Kaijin for all those years. But, I think you may have chosen a wrong master."

I thought with my face showing some sadness.

- This court is now adjourned.



I had a talk with Vesta about how I lost a loyal retainer. At first, he thought it was Kaijin but then I told him that it was actually him. Vesta had only admiration for me since he was a child. But he got in the wrong path. I started walking away from the trial room as I heard Vesta crying.



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I was standing near a pillar as my personal assassin came behind me.

- You've apprehended the proxy? Punish him severely.

- Of course.

- And observe that slime's movements. It is unthinkable that such monster has been released. Do not be noticed, no matter what it takes.

- Of course.

- That slime is a true beast. Just like the Storm Dragon, Veldora!

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