Part- 30

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No one's POV-

After the meeting was over, Benimaru and the kijins under him were walking outside along with Keller and, Meliodas in his Demon form.

But, the Orc from before, approached them.

- You need something?

Benimaru asked him. Keller and Meliodas looked at him too.

Orc- Even in the name of survival of the fittest, hate is not a thing that can be resolved so easily. For what we did to your village...

The Orc bowed down on the ground.

Orc- I cannot apologize enough. I realize this is a selfish request... but please, take my head as penance and have mercy on the others!

- After the battle, we told Great Rimuru that we wished to continue serving him, and he gave us official titles.

- I am a samurai, bodyguard to Great Rimuru. I'm also his secretary.

Shion said with a smile.

- Hakurou is an instructor and Souei is a spy. Shuna and Kurobe, who remained in the village, have titles, as well.

Benimaru continues to say.

- I also received the title of captain of the first division of our army. Meliodas also have a title of captain of the second division of our army.

Keller said with a smile too.

- And I received the title of Samurai general. That puts me in charge of military affairs. And now that I'm in this position, I can't very well rob us of a capable fighter, now, can I?

Benimaru said.

The Orc looked at them with shock. The kijins started walking out but Benimaru stopped.

- I will show no mercy to any who do wrong to Great Rimuru, b-

- and Lord Hanma

Meliodas said as he glared at Benimaru..

Benimaru ignored the glare and started speaking again

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Benimaru ignored the glare and started speaking again.

- and Lord Hanma, but if you join the alliance and revere them as your chancellor, we are not your enemies.

Orc- I wouldn't dream of doing them any wrong! They both saved all of us. I wish only to serve them. I could never bear them ill will!

- Then we are fellow servants under the same master.

- Yes.

Keller agreed with Benimaru.

- Do your best to be useful to Great Rimuru and Lord Hanma. We'll accept that as your apology.

The kijins started walking out as the Orc stood up.

Orc- I swear on the name of my father King Geld.

Rimuru was watching all this from a little far away.

"Benimaru is such a gracious guy.
I have to learn from him. And I'll give that one a name,"

<as the new leader of the orcs.>

- What?!

I covered Rimuru's mouth who was in his slime form gesturing him to not make so much sound.

The Orc left the cave soon after.

- When are you going to stop reading my mind?!

- I am not reading your mind, it's just a prediction~

- Prediction! my a-

- Hey! No swearing!

Rimuru sighed and then started hopping towards outside in his slime form.

- Looks like I'll be free for some months. Let's see what I can do.

- Who said that you are free? You have to name the orcs.

Rimuru stopped and said to me.

- Huh? But why me? You can do it.

- First, you said it yourself that you will take some of the Orc survivors in your nation.

- Yeah, I remember...

- Secondly, I don't want to go to sleep for many days after naming all 90'000 of them.

- You can name them all. I can protect you when you are asleep, you know right?

I said with a smile.

I saw Rimuru's slime form getting a little pink but I  didn't say anything as it was kinda usual

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I saw Rimuru's slime form getting a little pink but I  didn't say anything as it was kinda usual.

- W-Whatever. Y-You will also have to have to name about half of them.

- Half of them?! You go so hard on me!

- It's your duty as the second chancellor. I will go and start naming them. You are coming right?

- Yeah. Yeah. I coming in a minute or so.

- Okay.

Rimuru hopped out of the cave and I sat there thinking about something.

- That time when Meliodas glared at Benimaru. Why he was so angry? He is an ogre, I mean former ogre. So, isn't he supposed to be nice to his fellow Ogres or something? I guess his anger has to do something with giving him the skills of Meliodas or giving him Meliodas's body. I think that some of Meliodas's features have merged with him. I guess I should tell him to be nice with Benimaru and the others.

I thought as I started walking outside.

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