Part- 20 ( Training )

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The Next Day-

I woke up with a loud sound coming from outside.

- What the hell is that sound?

I ran outside to check what it was. I saw that a building had fell down.

I ran to that place and saw Rauk.

- Hey Rauk, What's going on here?

- I was dismantling this building so that we can make a new better building here.

- You scared the hell out of me.

- I am sorry, Master.

- It's Ok.

I walked away from there, thinking what to do today.

I should teach Ray, Kallus about their new abilities and also give Meliodas, Keller and the kijins their abilities.

I searched for Ray and Kallus around the city. I found Ray inside a food shop.

Hanma (In mind)- Now, I understand why there was a shortage of food.

I came near Ray and called him.

Hanma- Hey, Ray! I have decided to train you. Are you free right now?

- Yes, Master

He said happily.

I took Ray to an open ground so that I can teach him about his skills. I looked around to see if there was no one was nearby.

- Ok, first. You have to imagine your hand getting stronger and also say Arnament Haki inside your mind.

Ray closed his eyes and after a few seconds, he opened it again.

His hands had became black.

- What happened to my hand??!!

Ray said surprisingly.

- This is called Arnament Haki. It strengthens the part of your body which you think about. Ok, try hitting the ground with your hand now but not very hard.

- Ok.

Ray hit the ground with his black hand and a huge crater was made on the ground.

- Wow!! I didn't even use half of my strength and it has such a large damage.

Hanma- Yes, it is very strong. Use it only when you think you need it the most.

I said to Ray which he listened very carefully.

- Ok, Now I will teach you about Demon Lord's Haki. It creates insane fear among weak people. It might also kill them. So, don't use it much.

Ray nodded.

- To use it, you will have to say Demon Lord's Haki in your mind.

Ray closed his eyes again and then opened it.

I could feel the aura around him had changed but it didn't affect me at all as I was stronger than him.

- It dosent seem to work, Master.

- As I said, it only works on weak people. But don't use it where it isn't needed.

- Yes, Master.

- Ok, Now try cutting your hand.

Ray gave me a questioning look at this. But, he soon  cut his hand with his nail that came out from his finger. He made a very deep cut.

- Hey, I didn't say to make such a deep cut.

The deep cut soon got regenerated in a very fast speed.

- Ok, it dosent matter anymore. I want you to train here for sometime and then do whatever you want.

- Thanks for giving teaching me, Master.

- Ok, no problem.

I walked away from there.

The working of the skills that I make and also give to everyone seems a little different than normal.

I was walking on the road when I saw Kallus running towards me.

- Master! There's a problem!!

- What has happened?

- There's something wrong with my eyes. I was talking with some kijins when I suddenly saw what they were going to talk about.

- That's your new skill which I had given you. It let's you to see 5 second into the future. You can use it to fight with enemies and know what they are going to do next.

- What?!! I can see into the future!!

- Yes, but only for 5 seconds. If you want, you can fight with Ray to test your skills. Also, ask him to teach you about the skills that I taught him about.

I told him as I pointed towards the direction where Ray was.

- Yes, Master.

He said as he headed towards the direction where Ray was.


I searched for Meliodas and Keller inside the city. I found them training in an open ground with swords.

I gave them new skills and also used the Growth Helper on them.

I gave Meliodas the skills of the original Meliodas from the series and teached him about it. I told him to ask Rauk to give him the same weapons as me.

Then, Meliodas ran to search for Rauk.

While, I gave Keller the Advanced Superspeed Regeneration and Arnament Haki.

I told him to learn about these skills from Rauk. He would find him with Kallus.

Then, he walked towards that direction.


After strengthening the captains of my army, there shouldn't be any problem with the army.

- Now, the only thing that is left is the outfit.

I searched for Rauk inside the town and found him working on a weapon inside the blacksmith store which he had made for himself.

I asked him that are there any tailor or something in our city. He told me that he had assigned this job to a kijin named Rosa who was living in our city as a citizen.

I searched for Rosa inside the city and found her in her clothes shop.

I told her the description about the outfit that I will need for the army.

She quickly started to work on the outfit as it was the direct order from the king of this nation.

- It will be completed by tomorrow.

She said happily.

- Ah, but don't overwork yourself too much.

- I will complete it by tomorrow as it's a direct order from you and also because you are the person who saved our entire Ogre village and you also let us stay in your city.

She said with a smile.

- Ok.

I said as I walked out of the shop.

"Now, tomorrow I will just have to hold a meeting and tell them about this outfit and then I will be free to go to Tempest."

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