Part- 19 ( Returning Back )

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Hanma's POV-

I teleported back to my empire and it had grown a lot in a very short time.

It looks like I have entered a city or something.

- Wow! The roof looks so cool.

The roof of the whole underground empire was covered by Grey colored bricks which gave it a feeling of future.

I saw Ray working with Rauk on a building. They saw me and came towards me.

- Master, where had you been? I have been searching for you.

- I had gone to bring back, Kallus with us.

- Master, there has been some problems with the army and the management of the city. So, I would like you to work in that.

- Yes, Of course. Kallus, go and meet the kijins and also check the city out.

- Yes, Master.

Kallus flew and went looking every building.

- Ok, Now let's talk about this in the meeting room inside my house.

- Ah! About that, I have upgraded your house a bit.

- What?! Let's go and check it out.

We went to my house and it really look like the modern houses of Japan.

We sath on the chair inside the meeting room with a round table between us.

- So, what was the problem?

Rauk was going to say something but Ray stopped him.

- I should tell about this. Actually, there are two problems. First, being that there is a shortage of food and water. All the food that we had is going to finish as there are about three hundred ogres with us. We will need someone who can manage the food supplies for us.

Ray said explaining everything.

- Ok, then we can assign one of the kijin who is living here as a citizen.

I answered in a carefree voice.

- But, how will the kijin bring food for us?

- It's easy I am gonna give him a skill to create food for us.

- Ok, then I will assign one of the kijin with the duty.

- Now, what's the second problem?

- Second, you haven't made any leaders for the army.

This time, Rauk said as Ray became quiet.

- Huh? But I made Keller the leader of the Ogres.

- That's the problem. He won't be able to handle such a big army because he has 170 kijins under him currently and you should give some title and division for the army that you are going to make.

- Ok then, can you call Keller and Meliodas?

- I will call them.

Ray said as he called both of them. Keller and Meliodas entered the room.

Have you called us, Master?

They both said at the same time.

They bowed before me and said.

- Stand up and sit on the chair.

Keller looked at me with sweat on his face.

- I am sorry, Master that I couldn't handle the Kijins nicely.

He bowed and said.

- Hey, stand up.

- I am sorry.

- It's no problem. It was my fault, I should have divided the army.

He stood up and sat on the chair.

- The first division of my army will have 30 Kijins. They are the defense unit. Their job will be to defend the city. Keller will be the captain of this unit.

- Thanks for giving me this opportunity, Hanma- sama.

Keller said as be bowed slightly.

- The second division of my army will have 60 kijins. They are the attack unit. Their job will be to attack first during a war. Meliodas will be the captain of this unit.

- Thanks, Hanma-sama.

Meliodas also bowed slightly like Keller.

- The third division of my army will have 80 kijins. They are the special attack unit. Their job will be to attack the heart of the enemy army during a war. Kallus will be the leader of this unit. Inform him about this when he comes.

- Yes, Master.

Kallus also bowed like the other two.

Hanma- I will be the commander of the army. The captains can order their army. But, the commander can also order the captain's army and also fight the strongest of the enemy army. Ray will be the Vice- Commander of the army. If I am absent, he will order the army around and also fight the strongest in the opposite army. That's all. You all can go now except for Rauk.

- Thanks for making me the vice-commander, Master.

Ray said and left along with everyone.

- What you wanted to ask from me, Master?

Rauk asked with curiousness.

- How did you make these houses?

- The dwarves which you gave me told me to make these houses as you like these type of house.

"It looks like I made them so they know what I like."

- So, I wanted to tell you all the kijins living here as a citizen to do some work like gardening or farming or running a shop. Something like that, so that they don't get bored and also so we can make natural food.

- Ok, I will inform them about this, Master.

- Ok, thanks you can go now.

- Yes, Master.

Rauk left after that.

- Looks like I took care of all of the problems of this city.

I sat up from my seat and walked outside. I gave the Food Creation skill to the female Kijin named Keia which Rauk had told me about. She was a little shy but was perfect for the job. She was now in charge of the food and water of this city.

Then, I gave a speech to my army which Rauk had made for me. The kijins were happy at my speech due to which I got a little confused. Speeches are supposed to be boring but how are they enjoying it? I guess it's due to my Charisma skill.

- *yawn* I guess I should go to sleep. Good night, Rauk, Ray and everybody.

They all said goodbye to me after which I went to sleep inside my house.

- The bed is so soft. I couldn't even sleep at a bed like this in my previous life. I had to sleep on a hard floor.

He looked at the ceiling and said.

- Ahhh. Who am I even talking to? I should just sleep.

After which, I slept.

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