Part- 17 (Final Fight with Ifrit)

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Hanma's POV-

I could hear the voice of Kallus and Rimuru.

- Hanma-sama?!!

Kallus shouted from behind.

- Hanma?

Rimuru said in a questioning manner.

- Who the heck threw a fireball at me?!!!

I shouted angrily.

My body was taking damage from the fire. But, my Skill Advanced Ultraspeed Regeneration was healing the damage at a very very fast pace. I was not feeling any pain even though I don't have pain Nullification. Wait, do I have it? Ah!! I should check my status often.

These fire could not hurt me. So, I started walking to the person who threw the fireball at me.

- Hm? This is not a person. Ah! I had forgot.

I had forgotten that currently rimuru would fight with Ifrit.

- Oi, Rimuru.

I looked at Rimuru and said.

- Y-Yes.

- I will take Ifrit down to the ground. Then, use your predator skill at him.

- Y-Yes.

I could see his colour change a bit.

- Hm? Your color seems to change a bit.

- N-No. Slimes don't change colors.


Rimuru's POV-

"What the heck?! His Shirt has got all burned. I can even see his upper body!!"

(His body looked something like this

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(His body looked something like this. )

I was staring at his body so much that I didn't see my color change.

- Hm? Your colour seems to change a bit.

- N-No. Slimes don't change colors!!

" Ah!!!! Should I tell him to wear a shirt?!!!!"


Hanma's POV-

- Ok. Then...

I looked towards Ifrit and said.

- Get ready because I am going to beat him down.

I ran towards Ifrit. But, those flying creatures came in front of me.

- Get out of the way!!

I punched one of the flying creature's head with my right hand. It's head blew off as it was never there. I kicked the other one on its stomach. It's stomach got obliterated. The rest of his body fell down and exploded.

The last one ran away from me and went towards the three adventurers. I decided to follow it but Ifrit threw a fireball at me which I dodged.

- So, you wanna have a 1 on 1?

I said and looked towards the adventurers. Rimuru used his Icicle Shotgun on the last one but it exploded hurting the adventurers.

"Ranga will take them to a safe place."

- Hey, Kallus! Where are you?! Help those adventures to get to a safe place and also remove that cage of yours.

I looked at him to see that he was watching me fight the whole time.

- Hey! Are you listening?

- Yes, Master.

He flew off to those adventurers and helped them to get out of there with Ranga.

- So, now are you ready for a one on one, Ifrit?

I looked at him and said.

- It's a 2 on 1!

I looked at Rimuru.

" Ah! I forgot that he was here for a bit."

- Yes! It's a 2 on 1 whether you like it or not.

Suddenly, Ifrit made a lot of clones of himself. When he stepped on the ground, the ground started to burn like lava.

Rimuru started to spin and said.

- Icicle Shotgun!

Many shards of ice launched from his body. It hit the clones and all the Ifrit's clones disappeared with only the real one left behind.

- It worked!

- Hey! Be careful, with your Icicle Shotgun!

Rimuru looked at Hanma, shocked to see that two ice shards were near the ground where he was standing.

It seemed that two ice shards hitted Hanma but it didn't do any damage at all.

- I'm sorry!

- Focus on the fight right now!

Suddenly, a Magic circle appeared beneath us and then Ifrit shouted.

We got swallowed in a large fore tornado. I knew it wouldn't do me any damage as my health is so much and my Regeneration speed is even less than a millisecond.

I looked for Rimuru inside the fire tornado and found him making a scared expression.

- Hey, you have Thermal Fluctuation Resistance. The fire damage is getting nullified. So, you should be fine.

- Yes, you are right. Wait, how did you know about my Skill?!!

- I will tell you afterwards. First, let's finish off Ifrit.

- Ok.

Ifrit started to go but a string tied him in his place.

- Did you just do something to me?

- I couldn't feel any pain. You can't do any faster damage?

Ifrit tried to break out of the thread by burning it but it didn't work.

- I underestimated you, b-

- but not as much as you underestimated me.

- Hey! Are you reading my mind?

- Nope, just predicted.

He breathed fire from his mouth at us but it didn't have any affect.

- Take this!

I punched Ifrit on his stomach. A hole was made in his stomach and he flew back to the trees behind him.

I rushed towards him and gave him a kick which make him fly upwards. I jumped upwards and kicked him towards Rimuru. Ifrit's legs blew up.

- Oi, Rimuru! Eat him!

- Hey! I didn't ask before but how do you know about my this skill too?!!

- Just do it!!

Rimuru used his predator and ate him.

The clouds disappeared but Shizue was lying on the ground unconscious.

- Shizue-san!

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