Part- 23 (Dryad)

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After the lizardmen took Gabiru and left, we had a meeting to decide what to do decide how to deal with the orcs.

It was pretty boring as I already knew what they were going to talk about. Meliodas was just standing behind me hearing the whole plan.

<Hey Meliodas, can you go back to the city and tell the kijins to prepare themselves as we will be going to war with the orcs tomorrow night.>

<Yes, Master.>

Meliodas teleported himself back to the city.

- Where did Meliodas disappear?!

Rimuru was shocked seeing Meliodas suddenly disappearing. Everybody looked at me expecting for an answer.

- He has gone for a walk. He will be back soon.

- Okay.

- Huh?

Souei had a shocked look on his face.

- What is it?

Souei- One of the body doubles I had scouting the area has made an encounter.

"Ah! It looks like the Dryad will be coming."

- An encounter?

- They request an audience with you. How shall I respond?

- Who is it? I already had my fill of Gabiru, so I'd rather not meet anyone weird.

- I don't believe this one.... is weird.... But it is a highly unusual encounter. It's a... Dryad.

- A dryad?

He was surprised at this but I didn't see his face getting red or all as in the anime.

- Hasn't it been several decades since a Dryad showed itself?

- Fine! Bring her here!

- Yes!

A bright green light started to glow on the middle of the table. A plant started to grow as the Dryad soon appeared.

- O Strong One, Ruler of Monsters, and all those who are loyal to them, forgive me for this unannounced visit. I am Treyni, a Dryad. It is a pleasure to meet both of you.

- I'm Rimuru Tempest... um, Treyni-san.

- My name is Shuji Hanma. Call me Hanma.

I said at a carefree voice while my hands at the back of my head.

- So, what brings you here?

- I have come to request a favor.

- A favor?

- She wants us to defeat the orc lord, am I right?

- You are right, strong one.

- How do you know about this?

- Just a guess. By the way, Dryad, can you down from the table? It's making me angry.

The dryad got down from the table as we began to continue our conversation.

Rimuru- Defeat the Orc Lord? Um... You are asking us?

- Yes, that's right.

- That's quite a selfish request from someone who just appeared out of nowhere. Treyni, the Dryad. Why have you come here? There are races far stronger than goblins.

Benimaru asked with a serious look.

I use my Telepathy skill on the Dryad.

<I know that you will be talking about the Ogres right now and I also know that you know that the Ogres are living in my nation. I will tell them about the Ogres living in my nation afterwards. So say, what I tell you.>


- Yes, that is true. If the Ogre's homeland had been at full strength, perhaps I would have gone there.

"Quite an acting."

- Though, even if I had done that, I still couldn't have ignored these individual's existence. Were our settlement to be attacked by the Orc Lord, the Dryads could not hope to fight them alone. This is why I have come to request assistance from someone strong.

- The idea that the Orc Lord even existed was still just a theory to us....

Rimuru said while thinking something.

- The Dryads have knowledge of essentially everything that happens in the forest. The Orc Lord does exist.

"That's why I know that she knows that I am keeping the Ogres in my nation."

Everybody in the room were shocked that the Orc Lord does exist except for me, of course.

- If a dryad acknowledges it...

- Then it must be true.

- I accept your request.

I said with a carefree look that would make anybody think that I am joking or taking wrong decisions.

Everybody looked at me with me with shock.

"I have to participate in it as the Kijins want revenge on the Ogres. If I refuse, then it may affect the Kijin's loyalty towards me and also it will be fun to massacre the Orcs."

- Hanma, are you really sure? The Orc Lord may be stronger than us.

- I am sure already.

- But, you have only three people. You, Meliodas and that person with that ear outfit, how can you fight them?

- His name is Ray. Those two are strong. They can handle the orcs and also some of my friends are going to help me.

Rimuru gave me a questioning look thinking that I was talking about them and then looked at the Dryad.

- Give me some time to answer. I will back up the Kijin, but I don't want to go poking at a hornet's nest for no reason. Let me take stock of the imformation we have before I answer. Despite how I look, I'm the leader here, after all.

The dryad's face was a little surprised but she soon began smiling again.

- Okay, I should get going.

- Won't you stay for the rest of the meeting?

- I have to go and prepare for the war against the orcs. We will meet again on the battlefield anyway.

- Geez, I haven't decided yet whether we will go or not. Also, good luck.

- You are speaking as if I would die tomorrow or something.

I said jokingly.

- Just be careful.

I touched Rimuru's forehead with my index finger while smiling.

- Don't get so worried.

- W-Who's g-getting worried?

Rimuru said while his face getting red.

- Getting red again? Hehehe.

He removed my hand from his forehead.

- Stop teasing me!

I could hear a chuckle from the Dryad while I could see Hakurou's hand on his sword. While, Shion was searching for her sword. Benimaru was glaring towards me.

- I guess, I should go. Okay, bye.

I used my Teleportation Magic to teleport back to my empire.

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