Part- 28

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After the fight of Rimuru and Geld, Rimuru was victorious. Hanma was watching the whole fight eating some popcorn which he made with his Food Creation Skill. The effects of starved vanished and the orcs returned back to normal.

Orc- My king... You've finally been set free.


Rimuru was standing on top of a hill with the kijins under him.

- I guess it's over.

- Yes.

Benimaru said happily.

- I promised that you'd be free once the Orc Lord is defeated. Thanks for all your help.

- Great Rimuru, I have a favor to ask.

- What is it?

- Please accept our allegiance. We want to serve under you.

- The Ogres of your village are still alive and have evolved into Kijins. You can live with them. Are you really sure about this that you all want to serve me?

- I have discussed about it with the chief and Hanma-san. He said that we can come whenever we want to meet them. So, we will serve under you.

- I have no objections.

- We are truly fortunate to have met you and have decided to follow you till the end of our life.

Shion jumped on Rimuru resting her boobs on Rimuru's head.

- I'm your secretary and bodyguard, Great Rimuru! I'll never leave your side.

- Not until the end of our lives.

- O-Okay...

- Yo~u go~t som~e new subordi~nates, I s~ee

I said eating some popcorn from popcorn box on my right hand.

- Yeah.. Huh?

Rimuru looked at me as if he was surprised. Ray was standing behind me with a serious face which I don't understand why.

- From when were you here and where did you get those popcorn?!!

- For quite a time and I made these when you were fighting the Orc Disaster.

- You were making popcorn when I was fighting the Orc Disaster?

- Yeah, it's good. Wanna have some?

I forwarded my hand towards Rimuru so he can take some from popcorn box but he kicked the down part of the box and it went flying up.

- Noooo!!! It's going to fall!!

I shouted as I was just watching when the popcorn was going to fall on the ground. Then, Rimuru caught all of the popcorn and then ate it.

- Hey!! I was already giving you some then why did you have to eat all of them!!

- That's what you get for eating popcorn when I was fighting! By the way, I haven't tasted these for a long time ever since coming here. It's so tasty after eating it a long time ago.

I sighed as there was nothing I could do about the past.

- Master, tomorrow there will be a meeting to decide what do of the Orc survivors. So, they want Hanma-sama and Rimuru to be present in that meeting.

I saw back to see Kallus.

- Looks like tomorrow will be a meeting. I guess, I'll take back my army back to my nation and come again tomorrow with just the captains.

- Yeah. Wait.. You have a nation?!!

Rimuru said with a surprised look.

- Don't be so surprised. Where do you think I let the kijins stay?

- I thought that you lived in a h- um.. Nothing! I am happy to hear that you have a nation of your own.

He said with a small laugh.

- I know what you are thinking about.

I said knowing that he was thinking all this time that I was living in a hole inside the forest.

I said knowing that he was thinking all this time that I was living in a hole inside the forest

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(Just imagine Hanma touching Rimuru's both cheeks.)

Hanma got behind Rimuru and touched both of Rimuru's cheeks with his fingers and made his face into a smile.

- By the way, you look good with a smile. Hehehehe.

I leaned my face closer to his right ear and whispered.

- If you want, you can come visit my nation. It's fun there.

I whispered with a smile on my face.

- Ahhhh!!! What are you doing?

Rimuru said as he removed both of my hands from his face.

- Telling me to stop but getting all red?

I said with a smile on my face.

Rimuru turned to his slime form and got onto Shion's hands.


Rimuru's POV-

"W-What is he t-trying to do? His hands was warm when he touched me. It felt good. Huh?! What am I thinking? What should I say in this kind of situation?"

I thought while on Shion's hands. I could feel Shion's grip getting tighter. I looked at her

Hanma noticed my eyes looking up and looked up and saw Shion glaring at him

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Hanma noticed my eyes looking up and looked up and saw Shion glaring at him.

- Uh... I guess I should go now. We will meet tomorrow.

Hanma got near Kallus and was activating his Teleportation Spell.

- Wait. Actually-

Hanma had already teleported with Kallus.

"I would like to come visit your nation..."

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