Part- 31

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A/N- There is about three month gap before Gazel Dwargo arrives in Tempest. So, I will take out some chapters from three month gap.


Hanma's POV-

It took me and Rimuru four days to name all he orcs. It took us a little less time than it was shown inside the anime as there were 90,000 orcs and we named 45,000 orcs each. He had gone to his sleep mode and would wake up after three days. I was completely okay because of my magicule Breeder reactor skill. Before starting naming the orcs, I had began I had sent all of my captains except of my vice-commander back to my nation and told them to train their division members. I also teleported half of the orcs to my nation and the other half to Tempest. Benimaru and the others were shocked that I could teleport such a huge amount so easily. I ignored them and went towards a big rock.

- *sigh* It will take about three months for Gazel Dwargo to arrive as shown in the anime. What should I do for these three months?

I said to myself while sitting on a rock.

- Master, you look a little bored.

Ray said while he was standing near me.

- Yeah, I am bored as I have no job to do right now.

:The kijins under Rimuru took him back to Tempest as he was in his sleep mode. There's nothing I can do for now."

I thought while looking at the sky.

- Then, how about we return to your nation? You have some work to do there which Rauk has been doing for you.

- Rauk has been doing for me?


- I guess, I should return back to my nation, do some job and then meet Rimuru after three days.

I stood up and teleported myself and Ray to my nation.

"I should name my nation something as my nation sounds a bit weird. But... not now, I should check what I can do now."

I thought as I was teleported in the middle of a street.

- Huh?!! Where am I?!!! This is my nation underground as I can see the ground above us then the large pillars. But, how the heck did it change so fast in such a short time.

"And how does it look so much like a modern city!! It looks so much.. What? Strengthened!"

- It looks so different!

Ray said with excitement on his eyes which I could see clearly.

- Hanma-sama!

I saw Rauk running towards us.

- Welcome Back, Hanma-sama!

He said as he bowed.

- What has happened here? It looks so different.

- The dwarves which you gave me under my command had given me some blueprints of buildings and houses that piqued my interest. I changed some of the things in that blueprint. So, the houses and buildings are a lot tougher. The shadow army and orcs which you gave me were also a lot of help. The shadow army are not getting tired and doing the work in a fast pace while the orcs are contributing a lot in the manual labour.

"Yeah, I had given the orcs under Rauk's command. Also, I knew that the dwarfs that I had created had a little knowledge of my past world but I didn't knew that they could recreate it here!! And giving the shadow army to work was a right choice!!"

I thought in my mind with excitement and then speaked to Rauk.


- I am happy that I could be of some help to Master.

- I will look around the city right now. Ray, Let's go!

- Yes, Master.

We jumped from roof to roof of the buildings, seeing the view from above.

I looked around the city to see that everything looked so much like a city but not like a large city but it was just like a city. The whole underground empire has expanded so much than before that I could say that its currently 5 times larger than the Tempest right now.

 The whole underground empire has expanded so much than before that I could say that its currently 5 times larger than the Tempest right now

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(Just imagine it to be the like the houses and buildings in Japan.)

We landed on another street and saw some shops here and there.

We entered some of them to see some orcs and kijins working there. They bowed to me as they knew that I was the king of this nation.

- Looks like some of the orcs are helping the kijins run the shops.

- Master, if you don't mind, can I go somewhere for a moment?

- Okay.

Ray was heading towards a food shop as I though to myself.

"He thinks about food a lot. I guess I should train him a little when I have time."

My stomach rumbled a little bit as I saw him heading towards a food shop.

- Hey, Ray! When you are done, send some for me also in my house!

- Yes, Master.

I started walking towards my house while thinking about all the fun things I can do.


I am sleeping on my bed in my normal clothing after eating food, thinking about everything that I have done in these few days.

"It's good that my house wasn't changed a lot from last time or else I wouldn't have found it."

I thought as I began to feel sleepy.

- I guess I should sleep now. I can't wait for tomorrow.


A/N- I am thinking to bring some characters from other animes from the next chapter onwards.

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