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Every day it's always the same.

Repeating the process is always so lame.

I get dressed in the same uniform,

hat and all, can't we deviate from the norm?

Dread fills my soul,

arches made of gold,

a place where great, quality food is sold.

"Park in the back, side lots are for customers to take."

Oh, give me a break,

it's way too cold for this.

I walk to the back,

the searing meat, accompanied by a hiss.

"Drop a basket of McChicken!"

"We need some nuggets!"

"Who didn't clean the grill?"

"Shawn, drop some quarter meat!"

Are you serious?

Could no one think of a better system?

I could, let me list them.

Keep everything in a nice, neat order,

cut our stress much shorter.


Something so simple I forgot!

Who could forget, the grill is hot!

My poor thumb,

how could I be so dumb?

Must've been hours, how long have I been here?

Oh dear, it's only been five minutes.

Poems of a Suicidal MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now