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I told you to leave,
so why do I grieve?
My life is a table,
legs keeping me stable.
You were a leg.
Do I have to beg?
I need you in a literal form,
you quell life's storm.
Now you're gone,
it's a new dawn,
the table has fallen.
You were my wall,
why did you fall?
You were my angel in the sky.
You fell down to Earth for a guy.
I know it wasn't me,
it wasn't meant to be.
But fuck it, that's okay,
I won't get in your way,
he's better anyway.
But hey,
I'll be here for you,
just tell me what to do.
You can use me,
you can bruise me,
I'm just debris,
left over from my broken heart,
which you stole and tore apart.
No wait, you had a plan,
you took it and ran.
Rip my heart out,
fuck it,
crush it,
bust it,
fine, I don't care,
your game's fair.
But no, it's theft,
you took it and left.
It's a curse,
it hurt worse.
There's a void in my chest,
I'm lost,
here's the cost,
I've got no heart to guide me,
I can never be free.
Unconsciously, I follow you,
unconsciously, I always knew,
my life would end with you.

Poems of a Suicidal MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now