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Your words bind my neck,
dammit, now I'm a wreck.
What the hell are you doing?
These sentences you're brewing,
think you're overdoing?
Your lies are a paper shredder,
my heart the paper,
I'll never get better.
Fuck you, I'm done,
someone get me a gun,
with you,
with life,
I don't care.
Did you?
The signs were rare.
How dare you speak her name.
Is this some sort of game?
Her death, the beginning,
you, the catalyst.
Now, my world is aflame.
You are of the world,
you will burn.
We all get what we earn.
There's no kingdom for your endless sleep,
no, not for you.
Your journey will end at 6ft deep.
I won't be there,
I finally won't care.
No one will hear your cries,
you'll be buried alone,
with only your lies.

Poems of a Suicidal MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now