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I can't take this insanity,
I'm losing my humanity.
Always itching,
can't stop twitching,
the voices always bitching,
I'm losing my mind.
I'm so far behind,
Everybody's plain,
and yet I'm insane.
Get out of my head,
can't I go to bed?
Next day, bloodshot eye,
not wondering why,
they won't shut the hell up!
Going over the edge,
hanging onto a ledge,
but my hand is slipping,
now my luck is tipping.
The constant shaking,
the shit I'm taking,
tell me what to do,
for me to escape you.
Are you what I hear?
How can you be near?
You're dead,
get out of my head.
I know what I've done,
and I'm sorry hon.
You're haunting me,
why can't you see?
You're a damned ghost,
a parasite,
and I'm your host.
So now this must be karma,
this is the end of my saga.
Goodbye my friend,
this is my end.
Hello my heart,
fulfilled my part,
I have joined you,
just us two.

Poems of a Suicidal MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now