Dreary darkness (PMD Roleplay book's backstory)

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Hi guys! Uh... yea I know it's been a while. Here's something that's been in my drafts for a bit. It was originally going to be the prologue of a book that was going to depict the backstory of my roleplay but since I've not written much past that I don't think it'll ever be done. I'm currently writing Adaman X Irida oneshots that I'm contemplating on posting here (I'm not very active anymore plus I think my writing has gotten worse in general). Still, this particular piece is pretty old so it'll probably still be up to standards... hopefully. Anyways, without further ado, let's get to the story.

Yukio sighed as she picked up the carved stick of wood. She didn't need it; however she had always felt more secure to carry it around with her. She twirled the staff a little with her wing, before stuffing the intricately-carved piece of wood into her tail-bag that all delibird had.

"Lighting the ol' lamps again Yukio?" A bubbly voice sounded behind the bird. She turned, the first thing she saw being a flickering flame on an orange tail that was swishing from side to side.

"Someone's gotta do it Arlo," Yukio shrugged. "Besides, we've been doing this for years already."

"I guess you're right." The orange lizard behind the counter spat out a small flame, his tail still moving gently from side to side. "It just feels a little repetitive sometimes."

"Heh, it's a job after all." Yukio replies while looking up at the old wooden clock. "I'll be back by dinner."

The charmander nods. "I'll man the shop for ya."

"Thanks Arlo." The delibird stretched a little, ruffling her feathers. She then flew out of the shop, taking a glance at the golden signboard sitting proudly on the roof. "Delibird's Quill", it read, gleaming in the light from the nearby lamps. Yukio would look at the board every now and then, reminiscing the past. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, the delibird flew off through the dark, but bustling village, landing on one of the lanterns in the town square.

Those lamps were always of top priority, seeing that the area always had some kind of activity going on in it, no matter the time of day. Working hours were extremely flexible in Brightfog, especially since it was night 24/7 in the small town, making not much difference between night and day. This time round, however, the town square was quieter than usual. No one was using the stage, not even the most amateur street performers. The delibird sighed, time to get to work.

Yukio channeled some energy into her wing. Blue energy sprouted in the form of a flame, turning orange as the delibird molded it into fire. The bird plucked out the old wick from molten wax in the lamp, replacing it with a fresh, long one and lighting it up. With that lamp done, the Pokémon closed it with her unlit wing, before rummaging in her tail to find a plain wooden stick. Lighting the stick up with fire, she put out the one on her wing, carrying the lit stick in her beak while flying over to the second lamp.

"Heya Yukio!" The bird hears a  deep, gentle voice from underneath her. She looked down to see a bundle of untidy yet fluffy cream and orange fur walk into the town square. Fur that formed the shape of an oversized dog.

"How are things with ya, Granny Arcanine?" Yukio returned the greeting.

"Fine. These old bones are still holding up well." The overgrown dog replied, her extremely fluffy tail seeming to sweep dust around whenever it moved.

"That's great," Yukio replied, making quick work of the second lamp and flying over to the next one.

"How long has it been since you've settled down here? Four? Five years?" The arcanine attempted some small talk.

"Five I believe," The delibird sighed. "It's been a while."

"Have you ever considered traveling more? You're still young you know, the world awaits." The arcanine tucked her paws under her head, settling down for a long chat.

"Well, it's not like I don't go anywhere these days. I've errands to run."  With a flap of her wings, Yukio landed on the fourth lamp and opened the glass door on it with practiced ease.

"I mean actual exploring. Most Pokémon would try to join an adventure or rescue guild in their youth." The arcanine continued, "You haven't seem to have ever entered one though."

"Well, I'm not that young. Sure, I still have many years ahead of me, but I think you get what I mean." The bird pulled out yet another fresh wick from her bag.

"While that is true, adventuring is for all ages. I'll join one myself, if I still have my fire powers."

Yukio stole a glance at the arcanine, immediately noticing the wistful look in her eyes. It was painful to look at, and she looked away near instantly.

"Besides, there isn't an adventure guild in this town, and I don't think I'll do too well in rescues." The arcanine continued. "And I'm a little old to travel long distances, especially with the current situation."

"Heh... I guess you're not wrong." The delibird let out a dry chuckle.

"I wonder if things would ever get back to normal." The old arcanine commented. Yukio looked up at the moonless sky, herself wondering the same.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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