Abandonment, a pokemon's tale

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First person POV

"Seriously? Eevee? You can't even beat down a Machamp? Pathetic."

I gazed up at my trainer in fear and sadness, not bothering to explain how the Machamp is of a higher level and had a type advantage against myself. He didn't speak Pokémon... and even if he did, he'll probably just assume that I wasn't working hard enough.

He bent down, his menacing gaze reaching my scared ones. I wanted to flinch in fear. However, I was too hurt to do so.


I felt myself being sucked into my Pokeball. Well, at least I could rest a while.


Or maybe not.

Blue light flashed as I came out of my pokeball. I realized with a heavy heart that he has abandoned me.

"Now, off you go. Don't even think of coming back you pathetic fox!"

With that, my former trainer walked away. I couldn't do anything but stare after his figure getting smaller against the setting sun, knowing that he didn't want me anymore.

Sure, he mistreated me, but I still felt a huge sense of love towards him for some reason. It hurts to be away from him. I may not understand why, but maybe someday, I would understand.

I didn't know how long I've been just lying there, too hurt to move. It was probably seven pm in the evening now and I was hungry. Somehow, another trainer found me just lying there.

"Cool! An eevee."

Huh. That's me right? I'm an eevee.

"Pokeball go!"

He's catching me?

Letting me out of my new pokeball, he had a look at my wounds.

"Hmmm... it'll hurt but that's about it. It's not that bad. Let's start training."

Wait, already?

One of my front paws hurt terribly. The front right one to be exact.

"Come out charmander and use flamethrower. Eevee, dodge it."

I tried dodging the flames, I really did. Who wants to get burnt anyway? However, I still got hit by one and was sent tumbling into a tree.

"That could do some work. No dinner for you tonight as you couldn't dodge that."

Hey! That's not fair. I tried protesting in eevee even though I knew that most humans can't speak Pokémon. This trainer was no different. He just shook his head.

"That'll teach you to dodge faster."

His Charmander sent me a sympathetic glance as he stared eating his dinner. I sighed, trying to think of an escape plan and not my hungry stomach.

Some time later, my new trainer was in a sleeping bag. Sound asleep.

I just looked on. I Didn't feel like sleeping. His Charmander walked towards me, petting me on the shoulder.

"Hey buddy. I'm sorry for what I've done. Have to obey the trainer."

"I understand."

"You ok? Not burnt or anything."

I sighed. "Not really." I showed him the bloody paw as he gasped at the sight.

"You didn't cause it. I've gotten it even before my capture." The charmander nodded quietly.

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