Code White (a global warming pokemon short)

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"Look at this."

I heard Professor Oak's voice, immediately looking up from my drawing of a nearby Krabby. He was motioning me to come closer to the water, closer to the waves that washed up on the sandy beaches of the Kanto region.

I approached the professor, looking in the direction of wherever he was pointing. There, I saw a white piece of rock with sad, droopy eyes and an upside down smile. The rock looked familiar somehow, but I couldn't remember where I had last seen it.

"That's a Galarian Corsola." The Professor explained, nodding towards the rock.

"A Corsola?" I exclaimed in surprise, looking at the piece of unmoving matter once more. "Aren't those supposed to be pink?" I eagerly grabbed my sketch book and flipped it to a new page, inching slightly closer to the supposed Pokémon. I started sketching out out its features, trying to get every detail of its sad look on the piece of paper I had.

The Corsola must have been agitated by my sudden movement as it sprouted out wisps of translucent branches from the holes in its body, making me back away in surprise at the sudden movement.

"AHHH!" I felt myself falling backwards, landing in the soft sand.

"Tracey! Are you alright?" The professor rushed over to help me up.

I quickly brushed the sand off my red pants, making sure that I was still in one piece.

"Yea, I'm fine. That thing... it really is a Corsola?"

"It sure is." Professor Oak eyed the dull-looking Pokémon. "You didn't touch it, did you?"

"N-no. Why?"

"Galarian Corsola are said to curse those who touch it. These Pokémon are ghost types instead of the usual rock/ water type that most Corsola are." Oak explained, watching as the Corsola withdrew its ghostly branches. I inched backwards a bit before continuing my drawing. I certainly didn't want to mess with something as sinister as that Corsola. Bending down once more, I drew various poses of the Corsola.

Some of the illustrations portrayed the Pokémon without its branches, while others showed off the intricate design of its creepy, translucent branches in their fullest. In the midst of all the drawing, a thought surfaced in my mind.


"Yes Tracey?"

"Why would a wild Galarian Corsola be all the way in the Kanto region?"

Oak sighed, shutting his eyes for a moment. "Come with me."

He walked South and I followed, curious to see what he wanted to show me. Being his assistant, I would have to do so anyway. While I strolled along the beach, I took in more of its scenery, taking note of the tall palm trees we walked pass. Soon enough, my eyes found professor Oak's face. Oddly, the professor seemed more uneasy than usual today, his face seemed to be etched with a permanent frown, like that of the Galarian Corsola we had met earlier.

About a mile away from our original Pokémon watching spot, Professor Oak stopped. I looked at the sight before me, not knowing what to say. Tons of white Corsola covered the beaches in front of us, painting a bleak scene on the supposedly beautiful beach. The Corsola were everywhere and unlike the original ones, they weren't moving around much. The Pokémon were mostly sitting around, easily being mistaken for a rocky beach.

"There's a whole ton of them here." I looked around, sketching as many of them as I could.

"Yes. There are indeed many of them in the area." Oak looked down at the sand beneath us. His frown seemed to magnify as he did so, making me wonder what he was thinking about.

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