Grass types are weak against ice (contestshipping)

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"Drew? Is that you?"

The green-haired male vaguely heard his name, looking up from his morning paper to be greeted by a familiar face.

"May?" He folded up the paper, placing it at one side. "I assume that you're here to compete in the Snowpoint City contest."

"You bet I am!" The brunette answered eagerly. "In fact, why don't we have a battle right now!"

"Now?" Drew blinked. "Outside?"

"Of course. Where else could we battle?" May reasoned.

"Uh... no thanks. I think I'm going to stay here." Drew reached for his paper only for it to be snatched away from him.

"Come on!" May protested. "you're usually eager for battles. What changed?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Drew attempted to snatch back the paper, ending up with nothing but thin air. He sighed, placing a hand on his head. "May, can I have my newspaper back?"

"What about this, you agree to battle me and I give you back your paper."

"No way!" Drew protested, trying to grab it one last time. Being unsuccessful once again, he simply gave up. "You know what? Keep that paper, I'll go get myself a new one."

With that, he walked in the direction of the elevator.

"Hey May! Is that you?"

May looked behind her. "Solidad?"

"Yep! I assume that you're entering the contest?" She questioned.

"Totally!" May answered immediately, fire seemingly visible within the depths of her eyes.

"Is that Drew over there?" Solidad pointed towards the closing elevator.

"Yep. It's him. For some reason he's refusing to battle me today."

"That's unlike him." Solidad seemed equally puzzled. "That is... unless..." she pondered the situation for a white before suddenly lighting up like a light bulb.

"Of course! I can't believe that I have forgotten!" The older coordinator shook her head, making May even more confused.

"Forgot what?"

"Drew hates the cold. Absolutely detests it. Why do you think he wears a jacket all the time?"

"He hates the cold?"

Solidad nodded. "Absolutely. In fact, I used to tease him about it."


So that was why Drew didn't want to battle her.

"Now that I think about it, Drew's going to have a hard time tomorrow." Solidad continued, looking in the direction of the elevator.

"Why's that Solidad?"

"because the contest is going to be held in an open air stadium. Geez, I hope he doesn't catch a cold, he's never reacted well to chilly weathers." Solidad shook her head. "Anyways, I'll be rooting for the two of you tomorrow."

"Thanks Solidad." May replied, watching as she made her way towards the elevator.

If only there was something I could do for Drew... She thought to herself, wondering what could be done.

It was then an idea surfaced in her head, maybe something could be done after all...

Drew picked up Roserade's pokeball, looking out of the window.

It was snowing.

He sighed, grumbling as he put on a thick winter coat. He would just have to complete the contest, then he would be free to get out of this chilly town as quickly as possible.

He walked out of the Pokémon center a few minutes later, instantly regretting it. The cold winds hit him straight in the face, making him long to be back in the Pokémon center.

Why in the world did he sign up for this contest anyways?

Drew shivered slightly as more winds blew his way, walking slowly towards the open air stadium. Now that he thought about it, he must have been real stupid to have signed up for this contest. Still, there wasn't much he could do now.

He tried his best not to sigh, trying to think positively. Well, at least vulpix would do well in this weather.

"Drew!" A familiar voice reached his ears. The green-haired male turned around to see his rival, May.

"What is it May?" He asked, trying his best not to snap. What now? Was his heart staring to freeze over from the cold?

"I got you a scarf. I know that it wouldn't help a lot but I'm positive that it will help at least a little." May replied, handing over the scarf.

"Help with what?" Drew replied, wondering how she knew.

"Well... Solidad said that you hated the cold so I thought I'll get you a scarf to help with that. It isn't much, but I'm sure it'll at least help a little.

So it was Solidad who told her. Drew thought to himself. That sneaky...

He calmed himself. He'll take revenge on her another day. Revenge served cold on an icy plate.

"Thanks for the scarf." Drew finally replied, deciding to wear it. The nice gesture did help, if only a bit. Still, even though the scarf hadn't physically warmed him up a lot, it had warmed his heart to the point where it was as bright as the sun.

I seriously need to brush up on my contestshipping writing skills...

Oh well, at least I've finally completed this junk that was sitting in my drafts for a million years.

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