Light in the dark (male lucario X male Greninja)

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The master left once more, leaving me chained to the wall. I sighed, thinking about my parents.

I must have been here for moons, evident from the fact that I had evolved. I was no longer a little Riolu, but a strong Lucario instead.

Still, it was lonely. The room my master locked me in was dark. Dark and empty. The only things in the room besides myself were the chains chaining me to the wall and the occasion water bowl and pieces of meat I would get.

I grumbled, itching to be able to move a little more. Just a little more would do. I tried my best to stretch a bit, wincing as electricity ran through my veins.

Dang it! I hissed in pain. The chains must have mistaken my stretching as an attempt to escape.

I growled as the current grew weaker, the hatred towards my master growing once more.

Breath in, breath out, repeat.

I told myself, doing a bit of meditation. I felt my anger subside slowly, being replaced by peace. As much as I hate my master, he was the one giving me food, the one that allowed me to stretch whenever a competitor came by. For that, I was grateful. After all, he could kill me off if he wanted to.

Mum was always talking about jirachi, the Pokémon that grants wishes whenever it awakes. Even though jirachi wakes every 1000 year and probably wouldn't coincide with my timeline I still prayed to it, hoping to be back with my parents someday.

O great Jirachi, grant me my wish and allow me to be free. Free from all this pain and suffering...

The clang of metal against metal yanked me out of my thoughts. Looking up I saw a red-haired male pushing open my prison cell.

My master.

The metal clashed once more, loud, dull bangs sounded as the cell opened to its fullest. The creaking was annoying, but at least it meant some action.

Master walked into the room, his footsteps reverberating and being echoed around by the empty room. He leaned in closer, making my ears perk up as the human clipped a collar around my neck, roughly pushing me aside as he unlocked the chains.

This meant one thing, a battle. I had a challenger. Joy bubbled up in me. It had been a while since I had a challenger, a while since I had the chance to stretch my sore limbs. I could hear a slight thumping, realizing that it was my tail wagging against the ground. I stood up slowly as the chains slipped off, leaving the collar around my neck my only restraint. The only one, but the most powerful one at the same time. I knew better than to mess with the collar.

Master yanked me to my feet, making me wobble a little as I walked the first few steps out of the cell. Master shoved me forward like he always did, eventually pushing me into the battle area.

I just looked at him as he continued the usual procedure we went through, shutting the metal doors to the battle area and unchaining me through the bars of the door.

Finally free from the chains, I ran around to warm myself up, using a few of my attacks. Through the metal dome that surrounded me, I could see tons of people and their rough Pokémon. I could hear their chatter. And honestly, to this day, I wonder what the words and phrases 'Alcohol' and 'name your price' meant.

I continued warming myself up, letting out the low rumble deep inside me at the end of it all with satisfaction.

Meanwhile, a Pokémon got shoved through metal door at the other end of the battle area.

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