Blooming In The Dark (contestshipping/ AU)

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Previews of chapters one and two

Drew stared at one of the walls in the plain, white room. He was thinking of her, again. It had been a while since he had last seen May and he wondered if she was alright.

He hadn't seen her since he had congratulated her for doing a decent job at the Wallace Cup in Sinnoh.


No, not now. The green-haired boy closed his eyes in pure annoyance.

"Professor Abby."

Silence hung in the air for a while.

"What do you want this time?"

"You know what I want Drew. You know why you're here."

Oh yea. Right. Did I ever mention that that professor is crazy?

"Let's go Drew."

"I'm not going."

"If you wouldn't cooperate, you know what I'll have to do."


Finally opening his eyes, Drew slid off the bed, following the professor out of the room.

"How are my Pokémon?" The young coordinator asked.

"They've been in their pokeballs ever since you've gotten here. How many times are you going to ask me that same question?"

"As many times as I want." Drew replied flatly.

A pause.

"How long have I been here?"

"I can't answer that question."

"Why not?"

"Just cause."

Drew sighed, he had lost track of the time days? Months? Maybe even years ago. The laboratory had no windows, not even allowing him to know when day and night was.

Whenever they wanted him, the scientists would just call on him and expect him to be available, not caring about the time of the day.

Soon, the two humans reached a room labeled 'The Rock Simulator'.

"Here's the place." Professor Abby announced, making Drew gulp.

"You're not... you're not seriously going to do this right?" He asked the professor as they entered the main room. "I mean, the photosynthesis test and the DNA tests should be proof enough."

"They were Drew. That's why we're testing your abilities right now."

"How long exactly are you planning to keep me here?" Drew asked, suspecting that he already knew the dreaded answer.

The professor didn't reply him, making his heart sink even more.

"I'll be going to the other room." The Professor shoved him into the room, shut the door behind him. This efficiently locked Drew in the Rock Simulator room, making him feel a touch of worry for a second.

Great. He thought. Now I'm doomed.

Just as he had thought, rocks came raining down from the ceiling the very next moment.

"Welp..." Drew muttered, dodging the rocks to the best of his ability.

I did mention that that professor was mad, right?

He dodged a stone, hissing in pain as another hit his arm, ripping the cloth on his shoulder slightly.

Red liquid ran freely from the new wound, making Drew feel slightly sick just at the sight of it.

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