A crew of three (pokemon stories, cooking tales)

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Unknown Pokémon's point of view

"So... how good is it?"  I asked. Hoping that my whipped cream would get 5 Stars. The required score to beat all the other Pokémon and win first place in the official yearly Pokémon bake-off. It may be my third time entering this contest. However, I have never seem to have gotten close to even getting in the top 10.

"Hmm... your whipped cream is good." One of the judges, a staraptor whiped some of my whipped cream off his beak. "However... it's missing something..."

"I agree with Raven. A swirlix continued. It's missing something."

"Perhaps you might want to add something to the cream the next time you make it?" The last judge, a froakie, seemed thoughtful as he continued thinking about the cream.

"In total," Raven finalized. "We would be giving your cream two and a half stars! Keep up the good work and we hope to see you next year!"

I sighed once more as I walked across the contest area. Maybe Alcremie cream wasn't that tasty after all?

Not looking at my surroundings, I felt myself trip over something and plummet towards the ground.

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry!" I felt myself getting lifted up, finding myself face to face with a snover.

"I'm sorry! A few of my berries fell out of the bag and..."

"Hey hey it's ok!" I tried calming down the Snover. "I wasn't looking at where I was going myself! Here let me help you with the berries." I offered, bending down to pick up a few of them.

Just then, a rushing Charmander tripped over yet another one of the spilled berries.

"Goodness! I'm so so sorry!" The panicked snover ran over towards the charmander.

"Hey it's all good." The charmander stood up slowly. "Oh well... I guess it's a bit too late anyway..."

"What's too late?" I asked the charmander, still picking up the spilled berries.

"Oh... you see... I got disqualified from the cook off as I didn't have any ingredients. I was rushing to find some but... oh well... the judging has to be over anyway."

"Oh. I entered too. Got disqualified with too low a score." I answered. Rubbing the back of my head a little.

"The two of you entered? Me too! I got disqualified as I accidentally froze Raven's wing..." the snover picked up the last of the berries and placed them back in the bag.

"I'm horribly clumsy as you could see."

"Umm... Alcremie. Since you are the only one that got judged, tell us why yours got such a low score!" The charmander asked.

Upon hearing that, I answered them immediately, knowing that all of us could learn from my mistakes.

"The judges said that my cream tasted good but was missing something. Perhaps it's because the only thing I've made is cream."

"Oh" the snover looked thoughtful as he thought over the judges decision. "So, I lack the skills of a chef and the two of you lack ingredients..." he lit up suddenly. "Why don't we start a shop together? It's just perfect! The three of us, charmander cooking the main meals, Alcremie making the desserts, me doing the gardening... perfect!"

"That's actually a good idea." I answered, thinking of the endless possibilities of cuisines that we could cook up together.

"Cool! I'm in!" The charmander answered, raising one of his hands into the air.

"Since we are going to work together, you might as well know my name. The name's Meadow... and yep. I'm a supposed male. Weird name right?"

"I think it's cool." I answered. "The name's Buttercup. Yep, a weird name for an Alcremie but it's fine with me."

"I'm Blaze." The charmander replied. "A charmander with an extremely normal and boring name." He continued on, making all of us laugh.

"Cool." I smiled.

"How are we going to build a stall out of nothing?" Blaze scratched his head.

"Leave that to me." Meadow smiled. "Just tell me where you want the stall to be.

"Hmm... what about there?" Blaze pointed at a tree not far away, it was surrounded by a few other stalls, a little green town square. One of the trees had no stall in or in front of it, making it a good place to set one up.

"Hmm... why not?" I agreed. "It's a nice place.

"All rightly then!" We walked over to the tree, Meadow scattering a few seeds around it.

"Meadow? What are you doing?" Blaze raised an eyebrow at his act."

"Watch!" Meadow answered, concentrating on the seeds.

Suddenly, the seeds started growing at an alarming rate, the vines being produced twisting over each other to form a structure of some sort. As the structure took shape, Meadow quickly used razor leaf to mold the mass of vines into a nice stand.

"Cool!" I remarked instantly, clapping at the final product.

"It's not a shop, but this stand is good enough!" Blaze answered, pulling out a lopsided, big wooden chopping board and burning the words. 'The Pokeplace' in big letters, adding the words 'Quality over all things else!' In smaller font under the bigger words.

"Cool! I kind of like 'The Pokeplace'." I smiled at the sign board.

"Thanks!" Blaze smiled back.

"Well, I'll go get some utensils, tables, and chairs!

"Cool! I'll help!" Blaze agreed.

"As for me, I'll start planting a garden!" Meadow decided, glowing a few vines to fence up the area where the garden would be.

"Cool! We'll see you!" Me and Blaze responded before walking towards my house.

This is going to be the first part of a two to three part introduction of these three Pokémon and the stall that they are going to run.

To give you guys a better visualization, here's a picture. (Credits to all photos that I used to make it)

That being said, the picture above is actually very different from what I had in mind

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That being said, the picture above is actually very different from what I had in mind. However, that's the best that I could do at the moment so...

If only I could draw the picture in my head and illustrate it for you guys. Too bad my drawing isn't up to that standard!

This annotated picture is probably slightly more accurate

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This annotated picture is probably slightly more accurate... but ugly!

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