Unexpected happenings (contestshipping)

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Third person POV

"Beautify! Take the stage!" May exclaimed as Beautifly twirled around the hearts that appeared. An effect of the seal on its pokeball.

"Silver wind!" She called out. Obeying her command, Beautifly spun itself round and round on the spot, creating a shimmering tornado. The wind spread out in beautiful waves of silver, causing the hearts to burst into showers of pink sparkles upon contact.

"Morning sun!" May wrapped up her appeal as Beautifly started glowing, casting a slight glow on the sparkles closest to it.

"Wow! What a remarkable performance! Let's see what our judges would say to that!"

"Remarkable!" Mr Sukizo remarked immediately.

"Outstanding performance!" Mr Contesta continued.

"I've never seen such a healthy Beautifly!" Nurse joy finished up the review, leaving May to leave the stage.

"Next up, Drew from LaRousse City!" The loudspeakers blared, sending Marian's voice throughout the entire stadium.

Drew? That's weird... I didn't even know he attended this contest! May thought to herself. How in the world did I miss seeing his green hair?

Deciding not to reck her brains on analyzing something that trivial, she turned her head to the screen. Anticipating his performance.

As Drew emerged on the television screen, May frowned a little. Something just seems... off about him. He doesn't seem to have his usual spirit... wait, how did I detect that?

"Roserade, let's go."

Yep. Definitely lacking enthusiasm.

She watched as his roserade started off with a simple petal dance.

Typical Drew, too proud to even use seals in contest battles. May thought to herself.

It was probably his first contest in the Sinnoh region. Especially since he just arrived a week ago. May had remembered bumping into him on the ship as it was sailing to Sinnoh.

She snapped her attention back to the screen when she realized that he wasn't doing well out there. His Roserade seemed distracted, maybe even worried. May wondered why this was so.

Drew himself didn't seem to be acting normally either— he looked as if he hadn't slept all night.

May watched as he wrapped up his performance. That's weird... it seems to be lacking... maybe to the point where even she could call It lackluster.

Even so, it was still shocking for May when she looked up at the results and saw that Drew was eliminated in the first round. He never was! A flicker of panic rushed through her for a second. Wait... panic? Why would I be panicking?

"And now! We would commence to the battle stage! Each trainer..."

May didn't bother listening to the whole thing, thinking about possibilities on why Drew acting weird instead. She groaned when the loudspeaker announced her name but didn't complain as she walked back onto the stage.

"Glaceon! Take the stage!" May called out, her thoughts wondering to Drew.

"Ice beam!"

Why was he acting this strange?

"Dodge Glaceon!"

Perhaps something is up?

"Iron tail!"

Wonder what's wrong...

"And the five minuets are up!"


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