Burning greed (transferred over from another book)

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Between the lush leaves of the bush I was in, I could see a few humans talking about something. Since they were rare in the area, I was amazed to see them in the flesh. Curiously, I pulled away a few of the leaves blocking my vision, trying to get a closer look at them. There seemed to be two of them, both of them looking like they were males. One of them was wearing a black thingy on his head. I think it was called a cap from what I have heard from my cousin.

"Mummy! daddy! Why are there humans here?" I asked my parents, pointing a vine in their direction.

"I don't know Sage." My mum answered.

We all fell silent, our heads peaking out of the bush as we attempted to listen to whatever the humans were talking about.

"So, we'll be burning down the forest today eh?" The human without the cap asked, adjusting the object slightly. He was slightly scrawny, unlike his muscular companion.

"Seems like it." The other human answered, flexing his muscles. This showcased the intricate designs on his skin, making me wonder how he had gotten the beautiful markings.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" The scrawny human asked once more, lighting up a small stick-like object with fire and placing it halfway into his mouth.

"Yea you bet I am!" Human two continued, also lighting up a stick. "It'll give me more space for the Oran Berry business. Besides, all of our employees would be setting up the fire in different parts of the forest today. There's no turning back now."

"Well, I guess havin' more space for oil palm and berry plantations would grab us some money." His companion replied while lightly smacking his friend.

"Yea. Let's do it!"

I didn't understand a thing they were saying. However, the next thing I know was that they had started a fire, throwing the burning stick onto a nearby tree.

Why would they do that? Don't they know that the forest would be set on fire?

The fire started spreading, more and more trees grabbing ahold of its horrible disease.

That was the start of my nightmare.

"Son! We've got to get moving!" My father called out in alarm, pulling me away with one of his vines. I let myself be dragged along, not knowing what to do anyway.

After a while of running, we found ourselves facing another fire. The flames surrounded us, allowing no escape from its wrath.

"There's no way out." My mother teared up. That was when I started panicking. Mother never cried... she never did.

My father picked me up in his vines, nodding to my mother. She quickly nodded back, her eyes full of terror.

"Keep safe my dear child, escape from the flames." My mother spoke up as my father threw me out of the circle of fire.

The branch above groaned, breaking off and crushing my parents under its weight.

"Mom! Dad!" I teared up, remembering my mother's last words.

Run. I had to run.

Fire danced around me, the flames licking the trees like a Haunter would a pokemon.

The dancing ashes were illuminated by the bright fire. Reds, oranges, yellows and even a bit of blue flying all around the burnt forest. The scene was beautiful but dangerous, threatening to turn me into nothing more than a pile of ashes.

Around me, I could hear pleas for help from the other Pokémon. Anguish and cries of pain were everywhere. I could see a few Oddish choking on the air, a Zigzagoon pleading his sister to wake up in the distance. A few Pachirisu were weeping over the deaths of their friends that had kneeled over due to smoke inhalation. Prayers were everywhere, Arceus' and Celebi's names being chanted over and over by the desperate Pokémon. In this burning world, chaos was ruling us all.

I felt tears in my own eyes as I thought about my own parents. My dear parents who had given up their lives to a burning branch so that I would have a chance to escape.

I coughed, feeling my air supply being cut off by the smoke around me. It was just too thick, making me feel as though a pair of hands were suffocating me. All the running that I did earlier wasn't helping either. Instead of escaping the poisonous fumes, I was taking in more of the foul gas.

I heard something cracking above me, realizing that a tree branch must be breaking off. Before I could get away, however, I got caught under the falling branch. I cried out as the branch landed hard on my bulb, the flames burning me and making the pain a hundred times worse. I coughed some more, closing my eyes. The pain was borderline unbearable, and I honestly wondered how long I had left to live. Seconds? Minutes? Right now I couldn't care less. I sighed, feeling myself slip away from consciousness.

This is all a nightmare. Please, Arceus, let this be a nightmare...

No matter how much I prayed. I knew that all this was real. I sighed, recalling how this chaos started instead of focusing on the burning pain. Darkness seemed so welcoming. However, I resisted it, wanting to stay awake just a little longer...

What did I do to deserve this?

It was no use. No matter how hard I tried, I felt my grip on consciousness loosening. Finally, I succumbed to the darkness, begging for Arceus to have mercy before finally blacking out.


Oil palm plantations are one of the reasons why deforestation occurs. This is because the oil in oil palm is used to make many of the things we use today.

This includes Soap, detergent, lipstick, ice cream and instant noodles.

In fact, according to WWF, Palm Oil supplies 35% of the world's vegetable oil demand.

Umm... in case you guys are thinking about staying away from palm oil completely, I'll like you guys to know that this is not needed. Besides, doing that is borderline impossible.

However, if possible, we could check the sources of the palm oil we consume so that we know where our oil is coming from.

Hopefully, it's not from a farm who's past burned down a forest.

Hopefully, it's not from a farm who's past burned down a forest

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In case you are wondering, no. I'm not here to advertise for WWF.

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