Fangirl overload! (Contestshipping)

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"OMG! Is that Drew? The famous coordinator?!" High pitched squeals sounded through the air, reaching a particular coordinator's ears.

"Uh oh..." Drew cursed under his breath, running out of the Pokémon center as fast as he could. However, about 3.3 seconds later, he heard 'a thundering pack of Tauros' at his heals, threatening to run him over.

"What's up with all these fangirls..." he continued running, looking behind him to analyze his situation. Apparently, there was a group of around 20 fangirls chasing after him, more of them joining in from time to time.

Just then, a sharp pain ran through his head as he crashed into an unknown someone, falling onto the floor. What now?

"Drew!" A familiar voice called out. Opening his eyes and rubbing his head, he was greeted with the sight of a certain brunette. May.

Looking up and behind his rival, he saw even more fangirls running in their direction.

"Fancy meeting you here Drew..." May started talking before being hurriedly pulled up to her feet and dragged away by her rival.

"Whoa! What's that for?" She protested to be cut off by her rival.

"Talk later, run first!" Drew stated and the two of them started running away from the fangirls once more.

"Sorry!" May panted. "I kind of got distracted..." she apologized to him.

"Well, it looks like we've somehow found ourselves in the same problem..." he muttered as they continued running.

"Are they still chasing us?" May asked about 10 minutes later, causing Drew to look behind him. However, before he could get a good look at their predicament, he felt himself crash into something... no... Someone once more.

"Harley!" He heard May exclaim.

"Oh Drewbae! You're running away with your girlfriend?! How sweet!" The overgrown cactus grinned widely at the two young coordinations.

"Yes. We've running away Harley and if you've any sense in your head, you would too. Also, she is not my girlfriend." Drew sweat dropped, about to continue running away from the fangirls with May only to be blocked by smug-looking Harley.

"Ah! How sweet! Denial! The first stage of LOVVVVV—" Harley singed, only to be pushed aside by May and Drew.

"Hey! What was that for—" Harley gasped, suddenly seeing the dreaded fangirls running towards him. "Ok... it looks like I've got myself in a prickle... RUN!!!"

Harley ran off, unknowingly redirecting half of the fangirls away from May and Drew. In this case, however, Drew would definitely be glad that he had stole some of his thunder.

The two continued onwards, however the relentless wave of affection behind them attempted to sweep them off their feet... that was until Drew felt himself being grabbed and pulled by May. The very next moment, he found himself on the floor, face to face with an angry piplup that threatened to peck his nose off.

"Pip! Piplup!" The piplup waved its wings around wildly, seemingly complaining about how it nearly got squashed by an overgrown plant.

"Sorry about that..." Drew apologized to the piplup. The piplup, seemingly satisfied, looked away from him in anger, slowly waddling back to its trainer who was helping May to her feet.

"Sorry about that May," the blue-haired girl apologized. "I just saw the pickle the two of you were in and decided that I had to help out."

May shook her head. "I should be thanking you Dawn. Me and Drew were in a really tight spot earlier."

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