Little bird (Agatha x Vampire!reader) ending

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Agatha sighed and wished she could cry, but this wasn't her body anymore, and Wanda didn't give Agnes permission to cry, just smile.

"Another failure, Agatha" a voice whispered in her mind, reminding her how much she failed you.


You would have never allowed her to do this, you would have warned her about Wanda, you wouldn't be so stupid to let yourself be trapped. Well, not that you could be trapped by magic anyway, not even by Wanda's. She could be the scarlet witch, almost a myth, but a witch anyway. And a witch could never win over a vampire.

But that was the point. You weren't here. And haven't been for the past 200 years.

Her heart broke a little more each time she remembered that horrible night. The night she lost everything.

She didn't think when she jumped in the room and tried to stop you from sending the baby away, she just...wanted to stop it all. She wanted to save the baby and prove to you that you could be a family like you always wanted. She just wanted to be happy with you two.

But she should have known that happiness wasn't for her.

You had jumped, surprised by her voice, and that made you take a step back, forgetting the portal behind you. Agatha had reached for you, but she wasn't fast enough and you had fallen into the void with the baby, the portal closing immediately after you.

The witch had blinked, too shocked to move, until realization hit her and she yelled your name, desperately trying to open the portal again, to bring you back. She spent all that night casting every spell she knew, but nothing worked. Vampire's magic was much stronger than any other magical creatures'.

She never saw you again, she never hugged you or kissed you. She never carried Sissy, nor changed her, or played with her. She was alone.

Alone for 200 years.

And yet, she never gave up.

She owed it to you and Sissy, so she spent all those years learning more, becoming stronger, growing in magic, and keeping your memory alive. She was sure she would be able to find something, anything, that could help her to bring both of you back, and she swore that she would kiss and hug you with all her love, she swore she'll watch Sissy grow and would teach her everything she knew. She swore she will never lose you again.

That's why she had come to Westview. When she felt the power, it made her curious, and when she saw how this broken avenger brought back to life her dead android lover, Agatha felt hope blooming in her chest. Perhaps, she could see you again.

But of course, she had to screw it up.

She could have just told Wanda what had happened. She could have just asked the other witch for help, both of their stories were similar and maybe the younger woman would be happy to help her recover her family. You could have been a happy family, maybe even Sissy could have been Tommy and Billy's friend!

But she didn't.

She fought against the scarlet witch instead, wanting all the power for herself, and got herself trapped in her own mind. She would never be able to find you now. She couldn't even control her body anymore.

She failed.

Failed you, failed Sissy, failed herself.

She was too weak to do anything against the chaos magic, but too alive to perhaps find you on the other side.

And with a broken heart, she gave up. Maybe Agnes wouldn't be a loser like Agatha, so she let her take full control, ignoring the familiar magic call of an opening portal. Must be Wanda. She also ignored the fact that Wanda had left flying. She was too tired to think.

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