Cuddling day (Agatha x reader)

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You stretched out lazily, and sighed as your eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming through your window. It was a sunny and calm day (but they always were in Westview) and your mind immediately started making plans for the day.

Maybe you could go to the park and feed the birds. Or you could watch a movie, depending on what Wanda has in the movie theater. Or maybe you would watch another cooking show, those have good recipes that you like to try.

A subtle movement next to you interrupted your thoughts, making you look at the person next to you.

The (for once) peaceful features of your girlfriend made you feel butterflies in your stomach. She was beautiful, at all hours and with any expression. But just like that, calm, relaxed and defenseless, totally trusting you, it was definitely one of your favorite sights.

You weren't really sure how you ended up with her. Sure, you knew the story, you were there, but you didn't understand why she would choose you, of all people. She was powerful, resourceful, beautiful, and divinely malicious.

And you were a simple mortal. It didn't make any sense. But you already knew that the witch always knew what she was doing, and if she said she needed you by her side, who were you to contradict her?

Agatha moved in her dreams, pressing against your side. Her hot breath tickled your collarbone.

Smiling, you admired her for a moment. There were small wrinkles on her face, but considering that she was over three centuries old, it was impressive how small they were. Besides, you loved them.

They made her look incredibly beautiful and you would often find yourself looking at them. When she laughed, when she frowned, when she lost herself in thought. You always found her beautiful and when she allowed you, you went to kiss those little furrows on her skin.

You brushed a strand off her face, stroking her cheek gently in the process. That was another thing you loved about her. Her skin.

It was soft and always radiated a gentle warmth that relaxed you, so you always wanted to feel it. Agatha joked that your hunger was insatiable, and although you didn't complain about your naughty moments with her, the truth was simpler.

You just enjoyed the feel of her skin against yours. From the touch of your knuckles when you walked side to side, or when her fingers caressed your neck when she helped you put on a necklace, or when she unzipped a dress.

Everything. You just loved her.

Gently pressing a kiss to her temple, you carefully untangled yourself from her, already planning breakfast.

You knew that Agatha would have to leave soon to be able to follow through on her plan to subtly break up Wanda, which might not be an entirely good approach, but the girl had a whole town kidnapped, and you never said you were a good person (the fact that you were still by Agatha's side, even after everything she had done, was proof enough of that).

You didn't have any powers to help, but you were the one who kept her alive (seriously, how hard was it to remember to eat something at some point in the day?) and that was the best you could do for her.

You were thinking about it while you were dressing up when you saw her move again. Her hand roamed the bed, groping for something. That something was you. When she didn't feel you, she frowned and started to open her eyes. She had a sleepy look and you knew she wasn't completely awake. She was adorable in that state.

You couldn't help but giggle. The powerful and "evil" Agatha Harkness, was frowning because her little mortal girlfriend wasn't right next to her in her bed. It was adorable. Your giggles made her look in your direction.

"Why are you up?" she asked and you smiled

"because it's morning?" you said

"Not a good reason" she said and her frown deepened when her eyes wandered over your body.

You blushed as you always do when she looked at you like that.

"You're dressed up" she said after a moment. You laughed.

"Yes i am"

"See? That's already two problems i have to deal with" she said "you're supposed to help me with my daily problems, not cause me more" she scolded you. God, you loved her.

"I'm sorry, my bad" you mocked and walked to her. You climbed to her side and kissed her temple "Is this better?"

"Problem one solved" she said. Her hands pulled your dress over your head and your underwear followed quickly "there. Problem two gone too" she said and kissed your neck, wrapping her arms around you.

You chuckled and let your fingers play with her hair. Agatha left a trail of lazy kisses down your neck and cheeks, ending in your mouth. You sighed with happiness and kissed her back.

There was nothing sexual about this, but it felt even more intimate. You loved having her like this, with her guard down.

"You're gonna be late" you whispered after a few moments, gently pushing her. The witch frowned.

"Late for what?" she asked.

"Wanda" you simply said. You had to admit that the first days you were a little jealous that she spent more time with Maximoff than with you, but now, you understood that she needed to if she wanted to free the people of Westview. And steal her powers.

"I don't think she'll miss me today" she said, kissing you again. You frowned.

"Really? That's new" you said and she sighed, looking at you and caressing your cheek.

"I know i don't spend much time with you, love, but i miss you" she said and your heart melted "so, consider this my free day from work" she winked.

You smiled and let her pull you over her. You weren't so sure Wanda wouldn't notice Agnes' absence, but the hell with it.

The powerful Agatha Harkness wanted a cuddling day, and you were more than happy to give her exactly that.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now