I, mistress of the night

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a/n: Idea and dialogues taken from "Yo, dueña de la noche" by Pimpinela

Warnings: Dark!Agatha (kind of), cheating mentions, jealously (the bad kind, not the cute kind), angst, murder and hinted suicide. Kind of happy-ish ending? I don't know, you tell me.


Agatha sighed happily when she felt your arms around her as you pulled her closer so that her back pressed against your chest. She felt your tender kiss on her temple and she felt the luckiest woman in the world.

It was not uncommon for her to have nightmares, she had had them since her trial in Salem, and even though she tried for years to get rid of them, they always came back. But you, so tiny, tender, loving and so ... mortal, had been able to fight them in a way that she never could.

Always, every night. You arrived, she slept and in silence you approached her, you took her in your arms and when she felt your body, little by little she woke up and her fear faded away. It was a dance that she had become so used to that she could no longer sleep without you.

She smiled to herself when you whispered the words that she already knew by heart but that always soothed her.

"It's ok, love, it's ok. Sleep, it's me, I'm here" you said, with all the love you had for her.

And she believed you.


Until one day she unintentionally discovered that it was all a lie.

Agatha felt her blood boil as she stared out the kitchen window. You told her that you would go to Wanda's house to help her with some things. You didn't give her more details, but she trusted you, so she just nodded and she kissed you goodbye.

Yet there you were, standing on Wanda's porch, chatting and laughing with her as if you were the only people in the world and nothing else mattered.

The woman squeezed the glass she was holding, while her other hand gripped the sink tightly. She could feel purple creeping into her vision. Wanda took your hand and smiled at you with complicity, before pulling you inside the house and closing the door behind you.

Agatha didn't even feel the pieces of glass in her skin as the glass broke from the pressure.


She didn't want to mistrust you, she really didn't want to. She knew you loved her, you had told her, you had sworn it! But you were so tender and kind, you had so much love to give. Maybe more than she could receive, maybe you loved too much for just one person.


Throughout the week, Agatha paid attention to everything you did. In the mornings, you snuggled with her for a while, gave her a kiss on her temple, and then went downstairs to make her breakfast. Then you went with Vision to work, to keep him entertained so she could study Wanda. You would leave Vision at the club with the other men in town and go home, eat with her, give her a quick kiss and say goodbye to go to Wanda's house.

You had told her that it was so that the other witch would not suspect anything, that it would be weird if only one of you became friends with Wanda. But when you came back at night, telling her about your afternoon with the other woman, Agatha couldn't help but wonder if, perhaps, you weren't just friends.

But she didn't tell you anything. Because at night, you always came back to her, hugged her from behind, kissed her and whispered again what she needed to hear so badly.

"It's ok, love, It's ok. Sleep, it's me, I'm here"

But then, one night, you came back still smelling like the younger woman's perfume, and that broke Agatha's heart. She had confirmed what she most feared. She was losing you.

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