Slippery little spider (Agatha x Reader) part 2

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Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit

You swung to dodge a fireball aimed directly at your head, while Peter shot the monster in front of you.

"Dragons, why does it always have to be dragons?!" Thought.

"Hey, Y/N!" you heard Peter from your suit's communicator "Are you okay?"

"As good as I can while fighting a fucking dragon, Parker" you growled

"Yes ... that's what I meant. You seem in a bad mood."

"Did you expect me to smile and sing while I try to avoid being burned alive?" you sighed

"No, but you usually make jokes and you seem more cheerful. In fact, now that I think about it, you seemed upset when you were assigned as my partner on this mission."

You sighed again. It was true, you were quite upset when Strange told you that you should go with Parker, since your powers would be the most useful (useful? Two spiders against a dragon?! Strange needs to stop watching movies). You had objected, but since you couldn't come up with a convincing enough excuse, you had to come anyway.

In your defense, how were you supposed to explain that you had a date? Even more than that, how were you supposed to explain that you had a date, with a villain? EVEN more, with Agatha Harkness of all villains ?! You were sure that Strange would lock you up in a psychiatrist if he found out (that's if Wanda and Monica didn't murder you first).

So here you were, fighting a fucking dragon, with just another spider for reinforcement, and a deep desire to be in a little store in a small town, "saving" hostages and blushing at the flirtation of a certain witch. Too bad we don't always have what we want, right?

Just when you were thinking about it, you felt a strong blow to your back and a strong pressure around your torso. The creature had caught you with one of its claws. Dammit.

"Y/N!!" You heard Peter scream from somewhere behind you.

You gasped when the dragon opened its mouth and pulled you closer to it, ready to eat you. You closed your, resigned. Well, you guessed there were worse ways to die. At least it would be an epic death, not everyone could put "dead in battle against a dragon" as an epitaph.

"Hands off!" Another voice said and when you opened your eyes, you saw a purple smoke surrounding the monster "Take the other spider if you want, dear, but this one's mine"

You saw how the dragon's eyes turned purple before it released you, but you were still floating. You turned to see Agatha right behind you. The witch smirked and pulled you closer to her, so that your face was inches from hers.

"I've gotta admit that being replaced with a dragon is quite offensive, love" she joked and you couldn't help but smile

"Sorry, I guess a couple of volunteer hostages aren't as important to Strange as a dragon in the middle of the city" you said

"Strange" she scoffed "I must have guessed. Typical of him ruining my plans before midnight" she sighed and caressed your cheek with a pout

"If your hostages don't mind, I'm free tomorrow" you whispered, making her chuckle

"I'm sure they won't" she smirked "Then let me make sure this guy is gone for good" she said and opened a portal under the dragon. You just heard it's roar before she closed it and that was all.

"Thank you" you said as she carefully put you on the floor

"Don't mention it, love, i have a reputation" she winked and you giggled

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now