Imagine #2

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You ran downstairs as quickly as you could, not caring if your magic was leaving a mess behind you. You were so scared and just had a thought on your mind: Get to Agatha.

"Agatha!" You yelled as you ran to your basement's door, but it opened before you reached it.

"Y/N? What 's wrong, dear?" Agatha asked, grabbing you by the shoulders. Your eyes were wide open and you couldn't breathe correctly. "Love, calm down, what's going on?" she asked you again, taking you to the couch, worried.

"I don't know Aggie" you whispered "That's the problem, i don't know what's going on" you said and felt the tears on your eyes

"Ey, ey, look at me" she gently lifted your face "It's ok, we'll find out what's going on, alright?"

You nodded and smiled. You knew your girlfriend wasn't going to let anything happen to you. You were safe.

Agatha on the other hand, felt fear blooming on her chest. You were a powerful witch just like her, but your powers were more about premonitions and nature, so you always knew something was going to happen before it even happened at all. If you felt something but didn't know what it was, then it was bad, really, really bad. She just hoped to be able to protect you from whatever it was.


Tony Stark missing.

You gasped as you watched the news and hid your face on your girlfriend's chest. Agatha didn't hear the rest of the news, but it was enough for her. This was bigger than she thought.

You felt your nerves coming back. If Iron Man was gone, earth was doomed.


"Agatha" you whispered, making her look at you "Aggie- I"

She shushed you before she kissed you deeply. She knew something was wrong, she knew the entire planet lost, she felt it. And you said it was time. Time for what? She really didn't want to ask.

"Aggie" you whispered again and felt your tears down her cheeks

"No, please don't say it" she begged, because she knew exactly what you were going to say, but hearing it at that moment, meant that you were saying goodbye "please don't"

You gave her a sad smile and kissed her again. She didn't open her eyes as she felt you turning to ashes on her arms. Tears rolling down her cheeks as you said your last words.

"I love you"


You gasped for air and blinked, looking around you. You were on the floor of your living room, alone. In fact, the entire house seemed abandoned, which just worried you even more. Agatha wasn't here.

You stood up and quickly went outside, running to the small town that was near the forest. Once you were there, it took you a moment to realise what was happening. People were hugging each other, some were crying, others were afraid. You were back.

You took a newspaper and saw the date. 2023? Oh shit. You needed to find your girlfriend as soon as possible.

Too bad no one knew who she was.


Agatha jumped when she heard a knock on her door. Who the hell could possibly have found her? She had moved to the other side of the world, fleeing the house she had shared with you, too broken and guilty. Your memory haunted her and she didn't want to deal with anything and anyone, so she had made sure no one could find her. She needed to be alone.

And she had done it for the past five years.

Agatha hadn't bothered to have a television, or a radio, she just didn't care what was going on in the world. Without you, it really didn't matter. She knew that the survivors had moved on, that they had carried on with their lives. The world moved on, even though half was missing. But Agatha couldn't do it.

She didn't want to live in a world without you.

The person outside knocked again and the witch sighed, ready to blast whoever dared to come this close to her house.

"Get out of here before i-"

She froze and the words died in her mouth.

"Good evening, Ms. Harkness. I have an important delivery for you"

You smiled as Agatha let her tears roll down her face, too shocked to do anything. You gently wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her closer to you and gifting her with the kiss she had been wishing for five years.

Agatha Harkness x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now