Season 2- Back

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"Did they do anything to you?" We were sitting down next to each other on a bed when we finally made it back in the hotel. The next morning we were for sure going to find a new location to look further into the demons causing the lack of an ocean. As well as for my safety. I was confident in my hand to hand combat skills, but when it came to two people and not just one it was a bit more tricky. They had bested me once because it was unexpected that Ryker would be the one to sneak behind me.

Tanjiro's hand was in mine as he looked at the curtains in front of the window, his eyebrows furrowed in contemplation.

"They got in a few good hits for sure, but I'm ok!" I beamed at him. I tightened my grip on his hand for reassurance. I was safe. He made me feel safe. He had saved me because I needed it. It seemed like he knew what I needed everyday. Weather it be a kiss, a hug, or to be left alone. He had read me like a book.

Tanjiro's gaze shifted over to me. He looked in my eyes while I got lost in his, and then he stood up from the bed, letting go of my hand in the process.

My heart shattered dramatically. Was he mad at me for being kidnapped? This man had just made my heart flutter 100 miles a minute then he gonna pull this like a player? My mouth opened slightly in hurt but I snapped it shut when I realized he was closing the curtains.



My face erupted in flames not because of embarrassment of my own thoughts and doubts, but the realization that Tanjiro had just closed the curtain after looking at me. Two young adults in a room, alone together. The thoughts that ran through my head you could say were less appropriate.

"T-Tanjiro?" I whispered out. The lights went out at the worst possible moment all due to a power outage. I hadn't even noticed that it was raining until it fortunately drowned out the sound of my beating heart.

From the outside at least.

I heard everything that my heart was doing. I didn't know my heart could do a backflip. We learn something new every day.

The man said nothing as his hand fell to his side and turned around. He walked up to me and looked down.

I was curious. I knew this was going in a direction that I thought would happen later. But I said nothing.

"I love you."

His hand held the side of my face as those words slipped past his lip. His eyes looked at me as if I could break at any given moment. He knew better but it almost seemed like he wanted to cry. Was he that worried for me?

My eyes widened in realization.

He loves me? He had said it right? I heard that correctly? My mouth smoothed into a smile, I tried to hide it so that he wouldn't be embarrassed but I was too happy to even contain it.

I took the hand that so gently caressed my face and placed a small kiss on his calloused palm. The hardship that he had gone through, by now he has told me about it all. I kept his hand in mine as I placed it down on my lap. Skimming my fingers across the healed over scars on his palm. Soon, tears finally spilled over my cheeks.

"And I love you Tanjiro." I said.

You could tell by his smile that his heart was warm. His hand left mine from my lap to caress my face once more before his lips met mine.

To say our kiss was short would be a lie. It was aggressive in fact. The bed we were sitting on? Pfffttt I was getting pinned on it now.

His hand trailed down the side of my waist and grabbed my own hand to put it over my head.
My other hand was gripping the back of his haori, tugging it slightly as I gasped at his lips meeting my jaw and neck.

My back arched at the feeling and he skillfully slipped the hand that wasn't trapping my other hand in a hug, to the small of my back. Using this opportunity, he flipped the two of us over, now I was on top of him.

I giggled at the unexpected motion and he smiled into our last kiss. My head rested against his as we both caught our breaths. Staring deep into each others eyes as if we were saying a million words a minutes.

"I love you Tanjiro. I know you said it first, but I mean it all. I really do." I whisper to him.

He nodded and let out a blissful sigh as I slid my head down to his chest to lay on. I listened to his heartbeat. If this beautiful thing were to ever stop, then I don't know what I would do with myself. I would go mad.


I prop myself up on his chest and his hand reaches to slide a few hairs behind my ear.

"After this, after all of this demon stuff is over, and we've helped all that we can, do you want to live with me?"

I stared at him. "Is this not what we were going to do already?" I laughed.

Tanjiro shook his head with a smile. "It's a promise. A promise to you."

And with those words I blushed. "Like-" my heat began to heat faster again and I was sure he could feel it. "Like a proposal promise?"

Tanjiro took a few seconds to respond. It was as if looking at my expression mattered more to him than talking "Exactly." He said.

I breathed out a breath that I had been holding and smiled brightly. "Then I accept."

Sorry for the slow update schedule! Hopefully this makes up for it <3
Original release date: April 5 2022

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